chapter 1

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POV: Amelia

People say suicide is a bad thing, people say you shouldnt do it, even if the entire world hates you. But people say alot of things.

I walked through the doors of Cemetery high. Yup I know what your think I Cemetery kinda creepy dont ya think?
But I love this school good arts program, good teachers, well sorta most are nice most I wanna slit their throats.

But cemetery high has the one thing most big schools don't. Shitty teenagers.

Your probably thinking thats not a good thing at all. But again I like it. It lets me know the world is real and not some fantasy, as many people like to think.

Back to the beginning, I walked into the school and instantly walked to my locker to meet my friends. Vicky, Harley, and Savannah, their weird people but I love em.

"Hellooo children whats up??" I say quickly to the small group of girls.

"What's up! What's up!!" Vicky shouts at me.

Oof she's mad thats never a good thing. When Vick gets mad all hell breaks lose.

"Whats with the shouting? Its eight in the morning, its too early for this shit." I say to her

"You-you-you inconceivable, selfish, fagot, lying son of a bitch!!!" She shouts at the top of her lungs.

Everyone instantly turns their heads to watch her blow up. I freeze stabding in the middle of the hallway as everyone stares at me.

"What! What! Whats wrong!?" I ask her, worried.

"You! You are a dyke! you are a fagot! you are a indescribable disgusting creature of god!!"

"Your gay!! Your a fucking fagot!! You like women!! Youre a fucking lesbian!!!"

She yells at me at top volume. My mouth drops open as does everyone else's.

Savannah and Harley just glare at me saying nothing.

Everyone looks at her then back at me their heads bouncing back and forth like a tennis ball. Trying to figure out whats going to happen next.

"I-I wha-what?? What the fuck! why are you mad about this!!Yes I'm a fucking lesbian I like women!! I didnt want to tell you because I knew that this is how you would react!" I yell at her.

Her mouth steadies into a thin line as she looks at me with a look of disguste on her face.

"You are no longer my friend, you are a fagot I can not be friends with a fagot." She says surprisingly calmly, with a now cold look in her eyes.

She quickly turns around and walks away leaving me there dumbfounded. Savannah and Harley mouth a "sorry" at me. But I know they don't mean it.

I turn around and storm out of the school not bothering to listen or look at the people around me whisper and talk to themsleves about the incident.

I run to my car and slam on the gas trying to get out of there as fast as I can before the small tears start to cascade down my face.

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