chapter ten

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A/n I accidentally deleted this chapter i didn't change anything it's the exact same

Stan's POV

I was sitting at the arts and crafts table. Feeling like a badass. I've made all the loser bracelets.

But soon it was over and I did my other activities for the day. Going back to the cabin talking with the other before going to sleep.

It was basically the same thing each day. It got kinda boring but I made a bunch of friends.

I even forgot to text all of my friends even though I did have my phone.

                  Two weeks later

I was packing all my shit. Sad it was over.

But I missed Richie's laugh, voice, his face! I missed all the losers but I missed Richie the most. I know I shouldn't be gay. But Richie. He's so beautiful. Ugh!

Soon everything was packed. I hugged my friends goodbye. We had given eachother out numbers. I teared up a lil but wiped them away as I yelled bye.

Soon I was in the car back to Richie's. And my bed! Yes! I slept most of the way home. Once we got home I grabbed my suit case running inside.

I quickly unpacked all my things and put all my clothes in the washer.

Leaving the house as soon as I was done running to Richie's house knocking on the door.

Richie's mother answered the door "hello Stan Richie will be down in a second- RICHIE! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE YOUR BOYFRIENDS HERE!" She called. I blushed. boyfriend?

"Mom he's not my boyfriend!" Richie said I saw him putting his shoes on. "Aw my son denying his crush" she said "mOm! He's not my crush!" Riche told her blushing. His face as red as a tomato.

"Bye Mom" Richie said walking out side the door. We walked away from the house. When we were far enough Richie pulled me in a tight hug.

"God damnit I missed you!" He told me. I hugged him back... "About what your mom was saying... You sure you don't have a crush? You were blushing like a tomato!" I said to Richie. His blush had just gone away. But it's back again.

"Stanny I'm sure I don't! Do you?" "I'll tell you when we get to the quarry" I was silent the rest of the way. I lead him to the quarry.

He was blushing alot. I mean I guess I'll confess at the quarry. Soon we were there.

Richie started taking his clothes off to go swimming. I did the same before I jumped into the water I pulled Richie close.

Kissing him. He looked stunned but kissed back. Once we let go of eachother.

I jumped into the water he jumped in after me.

We talked about it in the water. "... maybe I do like you.." Richie admitted blushing some more "so could we be boyfriends?" I asked him not embarrassed "yes! Thank you! thank you!" I nodded we kissed again.

we started getting out. We started heading to the top of the quarry. We turned the corner to see Henry's car

"holy shit!" Richie wispered yelled. You could see Patrick on the passenger seat but I didn't see Henry. And Patrick's face looked funny...

"Fuck! What are we going to do! We can't walk home in wet boxers!" "Don't mind that Stan! Henry's sucking Patrick's dick!" "What do you mean! How do you know?!" "Look at the car! It's fucking rocking! There definitely doing something!"

"Your right but what are we gonna do! We need our shit!" "Just run. Grab it run back here!" I nodded we counted to three and ran towards our shit. Richie grabbed his stuff and I grabbed mine. We quickly ran back.

But I knew we got caught. Because we heard screaming from the car...

"FUCK!" I heard Richie yell. As we saw Henry get out of the car. I ran first. Richie ran a lil bit behind me. We ran into the forest. "I think we lost him" Richie said as he threw on his pants and shirt. I nodded also putting on my clothes.

"Stan run go home. I'll call you when I get home. Just go trust me." He said it so suddenly. Richie walked out of the woods. Motioning for me to run. In which I did. I ran to Mike's house. I knew it was this way and the closest to were I was. Knocking on the door quickly his grandma opening the door. "Is Mike here ma'am?" I asked polity. She called for him.

He came down stairs quickly. Coming to the front door. I pulled him outside. "Richie's in trouble. Call the others. Please." "What are we dealing with. Parent trouble? Or Henry trouble?" "Henry trouble.." " come inside while I call them" "make sure to tell them to take the backroad."

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