English (text)

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1- Put all the motivational quotes aside. Father's pat on my shoulder does a better job.

2- Stop depending on others. Start believing in yourself.

3- My food made me more happy than you.

4- My bestfriend is a person who knows every weakness and fear of mine but he still loves me.

5- In order to conquer out your fear you have to do the same shit you are afraid of. There's no another way.

6- You were unable to see me but yes! I was always with you.

7- I am that kinda girl who can stare at the twinkling rain drops falling on the water of the lake whole night.

8- It's okay to love silently than begging for it.

9- Look closely into my eyes and you will discover that rainbow colours can also be found in tears.

10- You upgraded yourself from books to pdf but i'm still in love with the fragrance of books. We are not same bruh !

11- If it seems impossible it doesn't mean it is actually impossible.

12- The fog can blur my vision but it can't mess up my imagination.

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