Chapter 6 : Vacationers Assemble

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A/N : Above is Yas water world in the UAE , any of y'all been there? )

Y/n created a chat

Y/n added Tony , Peter , Natasha , Thor , Clint and Steve

Everyone joined


Y/n : This is so relaxing

Nat : Be happy we made it on time

Tony : Yea if i hadn't gone past the ' speed limit ' , we wouldn't be here

Steve : Just be relieved we made it here in ONE piece , i know i am

Pete : Ur exaggerating 

Steve : Am not

Clint : Can u all shut up , let's hv fun!!

Thor : I want to go on the slide!!

Y/n : It's midnight guys

Clint : Ur point being?

Nat : I can't believe i ended up hving to live with  these dumb ppl 🤦‍♀️

Pete : 😂

Steve : Clint the water park is closed

Tony : Who says we can't break into it?

Nat : Ur so dumb , none of the rides will work

Thor : But i want to ride the slippy thing 😞

Steve : We can go tomorrow , just sleep now , i'm exhausted

Pete : I was wondering when the old man gonna's sleep

Y/n : Yea u've been yelling all day about traffic laws

Nat : Yeah u need ur beauty sleep

Steve : I'll have you know-

Y/n : Shh

Clint : Guys , why am i supposed to share a room with Thor?

Tony : Because

Clint : Becuz?

Y/n : Never question because 😌

Clint : I don't even hv any room to sleep!! Thor's ' teddy bears ' take up the whole bed!!

Thor : HEY!! You will hurt their feelings!!

Steve : Thor your too old for teddies

Tony : Someone should be older than u then , i saw u've packed one of ur own 🤭

Steve : I did not!!

Nat : 😂😂

Pete : Dw Steve , even Y/n has teddies

Y/n : They are cute okay , but an old man like Steve having them is......strange

Steve :  I may be-

Y/n : Oh cuddle ur teddy and go to sleep




 (Next Morning )

Y/n : Alright is everyone ready!!!

Thor : YAY!!!

Nat : Hold up!! Why do i hv to wear this?

Tony : It's a bikini Nat , a swimsuit

Nat : Why can't i wear my suit?

Steve : It's not water proof

Nat : Then why couldn't i hv a diving suit?!?

Y/n : Because it's boiling outside , you'll be dying from the heat

Nat : I'd rather die than wear this

Tony : C'mon Nat it's not bad

Pete : Yea Nat , look at Steve's trunks

Steve : Hey! Cute little ducks are very attractive 🦆💛

Clint : For a old man , u act like a child 

Nat : All u guys r immature 

Y/n : Hey Steve!! You should go on the drop slide

Steve : I don't like the sound of it

Thor : Can we go to the place with the bucket?

Nat : Um Thor that's the kids play area

Tony : So what it looks fun

Clint : Let's wait under while the giant bucket gets filled with water and drops on us!!!

Thor : YAY!!!

Pete : Wait for me!!!

Nat : Oh my god look at them , they look ridiculous

Y/n : It look fun , come on Nat *drags Natasha just in time*

Steve : That was fun!!

Tony : Ikr

Nat : Great , now i'm wet

Pete : That's the point of a water park 🙄

Thor : Now what ride?

Y/n kicks Steve out of the chat

Y/n : Guys we need to make Steve ride on the drop slide

Pete : What exactly happens?

Y/n : The person stands and lays on a tub and without warning the floor of the tube falls away and the person is falling at a height really really fast

Tony :  OMG Steve will die!!

Nat : Ooh it's evil let's do it

Thor : I wanna go on it too

Y/n adds Steve

Steve : Um what happened , i was out of the chat

Y/n : Sorry , my fingers are clumsy :)

Pete : Come on , let's go on the next ride 😉

Steve : So what happens in this?

Tony : You just stand in tht tube and water will splash u

Steve : That's it? Then why is everyone calling it a drop slide?

Nat : It's just to make ppl get excited , u know they're exaggerating 

Thor : Steve it will drop-

Clint : Too late

Pete : Is tht him screaming?

Tony : Lol yea

Nat : I thought it was a old lady 😂

Steve : Oh my gosh that was the worst few mins of my life!!! I HATE YOU ALL

Y/n : Aw Steve , do u wanna go in the baby pool?

A/n : Steve is really immature sometimes 😂

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