chapter 3

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(It was la next day)

Alright time to get to work ..... Hm.... .

I headed out and kakashi was still at the table ? It's 5am...

"Why are you still awake it's 5am"

"I can ask you the same thing iruka"

"I'm going to work "

"You work?"

"Yes three jobs, one at 5am to 6am, 6:40 to 7:30" then 3pm to 6pm..."

"Why, that's a bit much don't you think?"

"Well I still have to play rent for my apartment for when school ends"

"Oh..... Uh... Wel-"

"I'll be going now see ya"

With that I just leave.... Sure it's kinda stupid to work today.... It being my birthday..... And... My parents death

But I need to do what I have to do...

Anyways my first job is at the bakery, I'm doing an order for a cake it's pretty big to.... Anyways... 

I walked in and said hi to my friend and started working

Half why through mitzuki came in he ordered a cupcake and said he wanted to talk to me

~after his shift~

"Hay mitzuki what's up"

"So... Today is your birthday?"

"Yep, it is"

"Why are you working?"

"Oh because I need to pay rent still and-"


"Huh? My phone?"

"You can answer it I'll walk over here see ya iruka"

~answers phone~

"What do you want Kakashi!"

"Make sure to be back by 7pm"

"What? Why"

"Because I said so?"

"Your not my parents!"

"Doesn't matter now, be back by 7"

"Fine whatever"

~ends call~

Stupid but whatever... Oh mitzuki left? Well Time for my next job

Next was a cafè

I got ready and started u was a waiter but everyone had to wear a dress so.... It was a bit embarrassing

But whatever- sometimes I would get hit on but I just ignored them...

My shift ended now I leave and stuff..... But ill just go do something else....

~at la 3~

next job was my least favorite.... The strip club.... I'm not a striper I'm just a waiter yet I do get pulled away I useally hit them and leave-

The owner isn't a bad person so he won't let anyone who doesn't want sex have to have it and shit-
Wait if I work in a strip club how did I not know what porno is? Meh whatever

I got hit on 5 times now gwad that's annoying

Anyways I just ignore em always....

My shift is close to an end and so far I've been hit on 8 time pulled away 3 (pushed em or punched em away)

Gwad I hate this well my shift is over....

Time to head home

~with kakashi~
(after iruka left)

Bitch works 3 jobs?

Wow... I never knew how much the shortie worked

Well I ordered a cake so I should go get it soon everyone knows about the party so

~at la bakery~

I got the cake and I saw iruka... He was walking away Whatever

Time to get home

~at the dorm~

The cake is ready time to decorate

-knock knock-

"the doors open"

"Hay Kakashi!"

"What's up Kakashi"

"Hay Rin hay obito"

"Let's decorate"


"It's looks good!"
Rin's shouting again

"That's for sure rin!."
Obito always agrees with her

"I think it needs more"

Now obito is shouting

And now Rin is sad-


" Keep your voice down Rin!!"

"Oooo, wait- doesn't he hate you?"

"Shut up obito"

-knock knock-

"People are arriving"

Soon everyone settled in a few minutes later we heard iruka coming so everyone hid

Iruka came in and turned on the lights

Then everyone jumped out


And boy oh boy.... Uh..... He um.... Passed out?


Hay yo- I hope you like this story!
If y'all have any suggestions plz tell me! And have a great day!!! Baiiii!

My Collage hater (kakairu) (Discontinued)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora