chapter 5... I think?

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First off sorry for not posting I've been busy with school-

Also the top picture is something I randomly edited- .


Kakashi's POV

I woke up around 6am iruka was still sound asleep.... I have a movie to get to..... I'm one of the lead roles....

It's a strange movie..... But I got payed 5 million to play that part do no complaints

I better get going...... Ugh I'ma have to miss school today.... Meh whatever

I called my limo and hopped in

I'm 30 mins we got there I thanked the driver and headed in, I was soon greetes by Kurenai, who has the other lead role

"Hay Kakashi took you long enough"
she roles her eyes... AT MAH how dare she!

"Ya ya whatever let's just start the damn movie"

I started to walk over the the studio and she followed head this is annoying  I just wanna spend a day with iruka... Alone... But yesterday was his birthday, and the day before that he hated me even more..... Now what?

Anyways I got into costume and because

Mitrūn wiñte

And Kurenai turned into

Sārteñ mecōtrō

(Gwad this are random names)

We ended up having to do a kissing scene.... Gwad it was embarrassing, I mean kissing a girl? Ew... Plus she has a husband.....

Meh we got it over with and I head home or.... To the dorm... School was out and iruka wasn't there.... He must be working.... Well asuma invite meh to the bar so ill go


"Hayy Kakashi what's up?"

"So u still up to the bar?"

(Uh.... This is highschool I just realized so.. I'm changing it to collage heh- yaaa sorry....)

Iruka's POV

I woke up around 7:30.... I have a few minutes to get ready and go to school......

I get dressed and head out into first period.... Gwad I have that perv jiraiya....

I head into class and sit down.... Mizuki is sitting beside me

"Hay iruka..."
Why does he sound nervous

"Ya what's up?"

"Uh.... So you have work today right?"

"Yep I have work right after school"

"Wanna like... Hang out after?"


"Alright it's a date"

"Uh... Alright?"

~at lunch~

Alright.... I have enough to by some food and still play rent

"Hay loser"

Oh no.... it's shikaku

(It's the only person I could think of ok!"

"What do you want?"

"Well... I seem to of lost my lunch money could I borrow some?"

"Uh no... Your rich can't you just bring food from home? Plus you always have 100$ on you"

"... Heh your smart but... Well... I don't wanna spend my money so just give me yours, all you have to do is hand it to me and I'll leave you alone"

"Ya no... Just leave me alone shikaku"

"Fine I'll do it the hard way"

He ended up coming at me taking my money and pushing me away and leaving.... Meh it's normal now....

I walk to the roof and look at the below it's nice.... Looking at the Sakura trees

It looks so beautiful....

~after school~

I head to work at the bar/strip club and got ready for serving food and drinks

It's been half an hour and someone just walked in .... ITS FUCKIN KAKASHI! ah shit- and there at my section... Ugh well let's do this

"Hi, what would you like to order"

Kakashi looked at me so worried I got scaried.....

"Iruka? Why are you here?.... and wearing that?"

Oh boy this is ganna be hard to explain....


Hay guys I hope you liked this chapter.... I was like having writer's block and stuff •^• anyways baii!!

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