2: What's The Problem?

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Steven lay in his bed, not fully asleep, but not fully awake either. He could feel his head beating, almost rhythmically, like a song, but a song you wish to forget. He hadn't bothered to change into his pajamas, and he didn't feel up to anything. All he wanted to do was forget about what he did to Jasper. She was gone forever, and it was his fault.

Suddenly, he heard the warp pad, which shook him fully awake. He heard the gems, more specifically Pearl. He didn't know what they were talking about, but felt it would be rude to eavesdrop.
'Garnet, I'm worried about him. He came back here late, after three days of not responding to any of my texts, and we haven't seen him at all today.' Steven heard Pearl say.
'Pearl, I think he just needs space, we can't keep pressing on him about this, you saw what happened last time.'
'No, Garnet, we have to help him, before someone gets hurt. He's already crashed the van with Greg inside.' As soon as he heard Pearl say that, he gripped his curly hair, covering his ears in attempt to not be reminded of it.
'Pearl, I've seen what could happen if we invade too much, and it isn't good.'
'Well, maybe the other possibilities aren't as bad, we have to atleast try!'
'None of the possible outcomes I've seen for this are good, and if we press for details any more than we already have, it could get worse.' Steven heard Garnet say, but this only made his grip tighten.
'Garnet, Pearl is right! We have to do something! Sure, it could get worse, but it could get better, too! Would you rather risk it?' Amethyst cried. Steven could tell by the tone of her voice that she was holding back tears, and hearing that made him grip his head even further. His left hand touched something sharp on his head, causing him to yelp from the pain. He covered his mouth, but the gems had already heard him. He ran over to the mirror that sat in the corner, and jumped back at the sight of a pink spike in his hair. Quickly, he covered it up, and hearing the gems coming up the stairs, he attempted to act normal.
'Stevo, you okay?' Amethyst said, her eyes staring directly at him.
'Yea, I'm fine.'
'You're sure?'
'Yes! Don't worry.'

Steven stood in the kitchen, staring at the microwave as the plastic container for his food spun under the light. His phone sat comfortably in his pocket, when suddenly it buzzed.

Hey, Steven! Mind if I come over?

It was Connie.

Of course not, feel free to come over whenever! Just as long as you tell me first, haha

I will! I'm coming over right now.

Oh, alright.

There was a loud ping from the microwave, and Steven opened it and carefully removed the container. Silently, he made his way over to the cream sofa and sat down. He placed his hand on his head, remembering what he saw on his head last night. He had hoped it would be gone, but instead he felt a second one. Immediately, he hopped up and ran into the bathroom, to see his reflection. Horns. Two pale pink, sharp horns sat on both sides of his head, uninvited.
'What..?' Steven said to himself, his eyes growing wide at the horrific sight in front of him. Then he heard the front door burst open, and light footsteps that he immediately recognised as Connie's.
'I can't let her see these...' He quickly said, before ruffling his fluffy hair so that the horns would be concealed. He stepped out of the bathroom, and saw Connie sitting on the cream coloured sofa, with a worried look on her face.
'Oh, Steven! There you are! I thought you got abducted!' Connie chuckled, but the worry remained on her face.
'Connie are you okay? You look worried.' Connie let out a sigh, admitting defeat.
'I am worried, Steven. I'm worried about you.'
'Why? I'm fine!'
'Are you sure? The gems came to me this morning and said that you seemed off. I didn't want to believe it at first, but then Greg found me and told me that he was worried about you after-'
'Please, don't remind me.' Steven said sternly, Connie was taken aback by such a tone from Steven, but she didn't bother to finish her sentence.
'Steven, everyone is worried about you. What's going on?'
'Nothing is going on, I'm fine!' Steven lied to himself, but he could tell that Connie saw right through him. He began to feel a sharp pain in his head, and quickly, he covered his head in pain.
'Steven?' Connie exclaimed, running over to him and holding is wrists. 'What's going on?' Slowly, she lifted his hands away from his head, and quickly she covered her mouth in shock. Two horns, now much more obvious than before sat menacingly in Steven's curly hair. As soon as Steven saw Connie's expression, he bolted back into the bathroom and stared at his reflection. Before Connie could check on him, he burst out of the bathroom, racing to the warp pad.
'Steven, where are you going!?' But before Connie got an answer, Steven was gone.

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