Karma Butterfly

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Tiffany's POV

He finally complied with removing his boxers and I lower down the level of the brightness of the lights so that it won't hurt his eyes when he turn around later. He's already laying down facing the bed when I turned to look at him.

His skin was fair white, I can clearly see how he illuminate inside the dim room. I made sure the door was locked and my eyes wander around the room to check if he has some cameras installed. Once satisfied, I quickly put my stuff on top of the cabinet.

"It's 4:15pm." I announced while looking at my watch. "The session is good for 1 hour and we will finish at 5:15 pm." I continued and he chuckled at that. "What type of massage do you want sir Taeyeon?" I asked politely while I soak my hands with alcohol first. Hygiene is very important in this line of work.

"Just call me Taeyeon. Surprise me, Ms. Steph. I leave myself in your capable hands." he answered back with a teasing tone. I ignored his teasing and then he spoke again. "I have oil allergies though. Did you bring lotion?" he asked.

"I have lotion here." I answered back and nodded my head. I folded the towel in 4 parts and I covered his ass that's sticking out in the air. I started doing dry massage on his back first. I focused on the skin near his clavicle since his muscle seems tense on that area.

"Hmm. That feels good." he said as I swiftly move my hands around his back, massaging his back thoroughly. The sound of the movement I am making on his back is heard.

"I'm glad you like it." I answered shyly. "Uhhmm. That's good." he moaned once again when I press on the area that's tense.

"I wouldn't expect someone who looks like you to come to these places." I said casually. I wasn't planning to announce that question in my head but my mouth has spoken against my will. Fortunately, he seems laid back and didn't get offended with the question.

"I needed some distraction from the shitty world." he answered and he spoke up while I keep giving his back massages. "I would never expect someone as beaitiful as you to have a job like this." he remarked. I don't know whether to feel flattered or offended at that statement but he backpedaled that when he said. "I didn't mean it in a nagative way." he added.

"We all gotta survive the shitty world somehow." I answered back teasingly and he laughed at that. The next minute, I moved the towel to his back while I started pressing against his buttocks and massage it around. Just like his upper body, his muscles were tensed too.

"I'm sorry for asking but God! Your hands work wonders." he complimented as he let out another moan in pleasure. I blushed at his blatant compliments and that made me keep my guard up even more. He must think that complimenting me so much will let me give in to his needs easily.

Call me paranoid or skeptical but most of the people who come into this place only wants one thing and that's to get inside our pants. I focused myself on listening on the "Relaxing Music with Water Sounds Meditation" that's playing somewhere and stared at his butt.

It was a bit small but it stood proudkly and firmly, add to the fact that he's practically glowing because of his very fair skin. I shook my head at my thoughts. My hand moves from his butt to his thighs.

I pressed on the middle while gently massaging his thighs to his knees. I heard him yawning on the touch and I grinned mischievously. I continued with the massage on his legs then put the lotion on my hands so I could take care of his feet. That must have tickled since he closed his feet and he froze up.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he couldn't stop himself from giggling.

"You can simply massage the rest. My feet is very sensitive." he answered so I let go of his feet and massaged his legs and thighs with the oil now. I also didn't forget to include his butt cheeks. Once done, I input the lotion on his back fully then I opened my robe that exposed my body. I remove the clothing and hang it on the rack.

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