I Write Sins, Not Tragedies

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A/N: Due to insistent public demand, the chapter title is misleading if you know the song.

Taeyeon's POV

"You don't love me, you just love my money and my power" the song is playing on my high end speakers inside his room as I pick up the tuxedo that was prepared by one of our maids. A playful smile escape my lips as the song eerily describe how I see people around me. I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

My straight hair is combed down perfectly, I have brown onyx eyes, pointed nose and small kissable lips. I am wearing a blue polo shirt with black coat on top with black pants. I wore my brown shoes and put the shades on my eyes. I looked polish and perfect, just the way people expect me to be.

As soon as I can understand things, I already knew that my life ain't like anybody else. My parents were never around. Instead of playing toys at a young age, I was given lessons as soon as they can. I played several instruments, I learned different languages and I was taught how to cook.

It was always instilled on my mind that I am a KIM. I have a reputation to uphold and I must never let my guard down. Thus, even at a young age, everybody dictated everything I have to do in my life. I have a stylist to choose my wardrobe as I cannot be seen with hideous clothing.

I am the sole heir, all responsibility will be on my shoulders soon enough. My father trained me as soon as I went into high school to manage the family business. Our family was what the people would consider the old rich - our wealth started with our ancestors having lands and farming. The next generation transformed that land business into the shopping mall which our family is known for.

My father is starting to venture on real state too and I started my own entertainment company with father's financial assistance. I had to earn it by slaving away on the office and proving my dad I am capable on handling it by doing some of the contracts for him.

Needless to say, I pass his tests so here I am - entrepreneur at a young age. I couldn't say that I am unhappy since that would be hypocrite of me but sometimes I just wish I have a choice just like everybody else.

Before I get drowned on those line of thoughts, I quickly step out of the house and get inside my Azzurro Aquarius Metallic - Lamborghini Murcielago LP640 to go to meet my father for brunch. It's a business meeting on one of the restaurant he's trying to get a franchise on.

I smiled to myself as I drove my car past the speed limit, driving has always been a stress reliever and sex. A bigger smile is shown on my face. That Steph girl yesterday did a good job with easing my stress.

I mentally recalled my schedule for the day - brunch with my dad, meeting some possible investors for the entertainment agency and I will be visiting the new building for inspection. I have an hour to spare and see my new stress reliever. Great.

I parked my car on one of the VIP parking and went inside the restaurant using the back door. We were never fond of using the entrance and making a fuss with our existence. I'm not famous or anything but people can smell money from far away and they would normally surround you like bees going for their honey. I just don't want to deal with that.

I swiftly went inside the VIP room and walked in confidently like a model. I saw my dad sitting in front another man with the same age with a girl of my age beside him. I stared at the girl and clench my jaws. I recognized the girl as one of the people I often see at parties because of her pretty face.

"I'm sorry for making you all wait." I apologized and bowed politely. My father simply asked me to sit and the food was served by the waiter and waitresses. Once the server people are gone, we were introduced to each other. It was Mr. Lee and Lee Ji Eun(IU) from Lee Constructions.

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