Chapter 1

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Hey readers,
De'ana here this is a new story idea I came up with it, keep in mind there may be a lot of mistakes I'm just doing with my imagination and I want to get it all out before I start my editing. I hope you like the story. I'd love some suggestions and creative critiques. Okay I'll stop talking now lol enjoy



Genesis Taylor.

Genesis Taylor.

The more I looked at it the name just didn't fit.

My pale hands traced the name engraved on the hospital tag that was latched onto my hand.
I remember waking up but that was it, nothing before. No memories, nothing. Everything just seem blank.

I remember opening my eyes to a blinding light, everything seemed blurry at first but cleared up as I got a good look at my surroundings.

The room was cold.

The white walls seemed to run forever.

Where was I?  Hospital maybe? What happened?

I couldn't move.

I could hardly  breathe. Something was in my throat.

I began to panic.

I felt my heart rate speed up. There was a annoying beeping sound that was going off and I looked around confused.

Trying to gather my breathing  I realized the tube logged down my throat.

What was happening to me?

I remember frantically pulling at the tube causing a painful cough that began racking my thin body. I remember trying to pull my body up noticing  the IVs on my forearm, I nervously began pulling them out, hissing at the pain afterwards.

Gathering my bearings I began to get up, trying desperately to stand on my trembling legs.

What was this?

Soon enough, a thrilled alarm began going off and I covered my ears from the blaring sound, trying to block it out. I fell to the floor, my weakened body cowering on the cold tile as I began rocking side to side-

Make it stop!

Make it stoppppp!!!!!!

I remember screaming, grabbing my throat from the agony I was feeling.

The banging sound of the metal door hitting the wall reveal a frantic nurse bursting through the door.

Then again I was enveloped into darkness.

My name is Genesis Taylor and apparently I've been in a coma for 2 months. The worst part? I don't remember anything about what happened.

Dragging my eyes from my pale hands I looked across to see my supposedly parents. It's been an hour since they found out I couldn't remember them. My dad for the most part was relaxed as he held my mom shoulders gently as she argued with the nurse. I couldn't hear her hushed voice clearly but I can tell she wasn't happy. Who wouldn't be?

Will she ever remember us?  How long is this going to last? She's my baby girl dammit!

My moms voiced got a little louder and cautiously her eyes flickered in my direction catching my mines.

"It's a slight chance they can be recovered but I'll advise you to be prepared if they don't." The nurse replied, watching them carefully.

Mom ignored the nurse as she gave me a pained expression, the redness around her eyes and her chapped lips gave me the idea that she was having a real hard time.

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