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I rested my hands on the inch of air between my fingertips and Ea's wound. Sucking in a breath, I closed my eyes and drew the magic in me to my hands.

I had only healed someone other than me a few times, mostly my father, but rarely my mother. I had practiced on animals, but they are different from humans.

But then again, so are merboys, I guess.

A greenish glow had started to form around my hands when I opened my eyes again. The colour of healing. I took another breath and tried pulling up the magic even faster so I could heal him quicker. The green glow got more vibrant and more solid, no longer just a flimsy light.

I could feel Ea watching me, from the corner of my eye. he was calm and breathing evenly. But I could feel the tensness of his body underneath my healing power. he needed to relax a bit, but then again, I probably would not be so relaxed if I had a hole thing through me and a random girl I just met was healing it.

Finally, I had enough power in my hands to actually start the healing. Moving my hands a tad lower so they almost touched his stomach, I let my magic flood into the wound. I heard Ea gasp at the strange feeling, but I was too conentrated on the wound to do anything else.

Slowly, the wound started to heal. At first, it was not noticable, but as time went on, you could see the flesh slowly rising up to meet the rest of his stomach. The ruined flesh was flaking away as new, healthy flesh filled in the hole.

A few hours went by like that, and then, I realized, that the wound had completely closed up, leaving only a thin, cirular line, paler than the rest of his stomach, where the hole had closed up. I also then realized, that I was really, really tired.

And then I fell sideways, becuase I probably used up too much power. Whoops.

The last thing I registered in my mind, before the blackness, was Ea's face and hand. Eyes wide and panicked, while his hand reached out to catch me. Then, nothing.

The Necromancer QueenWhere stories live. Discover now