Another Stranger

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"Thank you" Ea repeated, his voice softer than it had been a minute ago. Looking over at him, I saw he was looking away. I stared at him, picking up more details than I had before when he had come in with my food.

He had dark bags under his eyes, and his clothing was no exactly peasant farmer like, nor the fancy attire of most nobles. It was in between the two, more of a middle class worker.

The coat he wore reached down to his knees, and it was a dark blue, royal blue almost. It had a patch on one of the elbows, roughly done, and was a bit worn. Underneath he wore a plain black shirt, long sleeve or not, I couldn't tell, with a red sash wrapped around his hips. He had standered work pants, sturdy and loose, also black. And then for his boots, he had lace-up's that went to his knees.

All in all, it rather fit his rougish style. He also made the outfit look like it was brand new and in fashion for the royal courts.


Suddenly there was a noise from the hallway,a crashing sound of metal hitting the floor. Then silence. Ea and I looked at the door and then each other as I lept out of the bed. Beofre we reached the door however, it was slammed open by something on the other side.

The man, or should I say boy, that barged in was not at all what I thought he would be. He had short hair that stuck up on the top, and had olive skin tone. He looked about to be a few inches taller than I, but much more bulky, with a more powerful frame.

The boy stumbled and crashed to the floor, suprised that the door gave out so easily. Then he proceded to lay there for a little while, face down, with his nose pressed squarly against the floorboards.

Ea and I looked at each other again and readied ourselves if the boy decided he wanted to fight. I positioned myself slightly behind Ea, who had pulled two swords out of nowhere.

The swords where grey, with silver lines patterning them. They started with redish, brown hilts, that Ea held, and then started to go out, and then in, almost looking like a leaf. The widest part maybe was just under a foot across. And, they where super sharp, I could tell from here. they were not blunt unlike some fancy big swords I have seen.

The boy, who had been lying on the floor, had finally rolled his head to the side, to get a better view of us. He had a softer face than Ea, who had some really sharp cheekbones now that I thought about it, and a slightly pointed nose. His eyes where a golden amber colour and were surronded by black cirlces. A were creature it seemed, with some fearie blood.

"I apologize," the boy said smoothly, his boyish looks and height opposite to his cold, clear voice. "It was not my intention to startle you, in fact, I did not even know you where here."

I didn't know what to believe, that he was really innocent, or if he was lying to try to get us to trust him. Either way, I still didn't trust him. And glancing at Ea, I could see we shared the same thoughts.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Ea demanded harshly, red eyes narrowed and hands clenching at the twin swords he held in his hands. The stranger stood up and dusted himself off, getting rid of the wood chips from the door.

"I, I am a God"

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