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1. Fictional crush: Uh, Castiel I guess.

2. My middle name: Jay

3. My favorite subject: I can't focus for shit, I don't like any of them. However Science is the most fascinating to me.

4. Coffee or tea: Definitely coffee

5. My current favorite song: Tbh it might be Fairly Local by twenty one pilots. Or P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson. Heck idk.

6. Favorite snack: Your mom
Not really tho, uh, I think my favorite snack is these little microwaveable mozzarella bites. They're like pizza rolls except it's just bread and cheese.

7. My favorite food: Probably cheese quesadillas, but only when I make them.

8. Like or dislike roller coasters: I love them. Preferably the metal ones. The wooden ones feel a lot less stable and plus they aren't as smooth, and I get headaches.

9. Favorite book: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (dOnT judge meh)

10: Favorite color: Honestly I think it might be red.

11. Favorite season: Autumn/Fall (in America we call it fall because leaf fall down)

12. Favorite blog: Fuck, idk

13: Favorite movie: The Breakfast Club

14. Favorite TV show: Usually I'd say Supernatural but idk anymore. Tbh I think my favorite show is The Simpsons.

15. Named after anyone: Samuel L. Jackson (lmfao not rlly tho, I wasn't rlly named after anyone but I'm just gonna say that I was named after Samuel L. Jackson)

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