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16. Would you be friends with yourself: probably not lol

17. Are you sarcastic: nO I aM nOt. I'M sO oFfeNdeD, hOw dArE yOu aSsUmE tHat i'M a sArCasTiC pErsOn!?

18. Favorite ice scream flavor: Vanilla

19. Favorite smell: weed

20. One weird good combo you do: I'm assuming you mean food. Okay well this is really weird guys. Sometimes... I put milk in my cereal... gAh iM sUch a fReaK

21. Favorite dessert: Donuts

22: The book you are currently reading: It's this Ryden fic called Hate To Love You.

23. Favorite sound: Thunder and rain.

24. Least favorite sound: The sound of glass on metal

25. Where were you born: America :P

26. Favorite exercise: Masurbating

27. Last movie I watched: Pulp Fiction

28. Who is your hero: Mein Vater

29. What makes you laugh the most: Videos on YouTube under a minute (i listed an example above)

30. Are you clean or messy: Depends on what I'm doing ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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