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May 27th, 1972

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May 27th, 1972

"Don't you look great, honey!" Her best friend complimented as the girl made her way downstairs, showing her the bridesmaids dress.

One of her friends was getting married in two days and she had asked her to become one of her bridesmaids.

"I don't think that rosè is my color..." The girl mumbled as she turned around, causing the rose colored dress to swing a little. It smelled sweet, almost as if someone had sprayed perfume on it.

"Holly, you look absolutely stunning!" Her best friend assured her, causing Holly to smile and chuckle a little at her words.

"Thank you, Lee..." she mumbled, touching the soft, warm fabric of the dress. It almost seemed like she had to be careful with it, like it was such a breakable piece of fabric that was wrapped around her body.

"I swear to god, the guys are gonna love this shit!" Lee squealed. She grabbed a hold of her best friends hand, squeezing it as nothing but pure joy filled her eyes.

"Alright, don't say something wrong." Holly grinned as she looked back down at her. The dress was actually perfect. It was hugging her curves like no other dress and the cute straps were decorating her delicate shoulders perfectly.

"It's not a lie! At least one guy will drool over you, I swear." Lee promised, twisting Hollys fingers. "And if the guys don't do it, I will."

Holly playfully rolled her eyes at her best friends comment, but grinning shortly after.

"Now how about you change back into your normal clothes and we go and grab something from Fred's?" Lee asked and Hollys eyes immediately lit up at her suggestion.

"Oh yes! I'll be down in a few!" And with that, she raced up the stairs of the apartment she was sharing with her best friend. Lee mostly lived downstairs while Holly lived upstairs, she had moved in with Holly because Holly had already done a few shoots and earned some money as a 'model', while Lee was still searching for her dream job. But that's what best friends are for, right?

After a couple of minutes, the brunette came downstairs again, dress in a jeans and a casual shirt, ready to grab her favorite coffee and donut from Fred's, which was a little coffee shop practically six feet away from their apartment.

Holly locked her arm with Lees as they both made their way out of the apartment.

"And what will you do while I am at the wedding?" Holly asked playfully, the slight breeze causing her long, brown her to fly around messily.

"Probably throw a big party." Lee answered smugly, guiding Holly to Fred's coffee shop.

"Ouch. My best friend is throwing a party without me." The brunette girl chuckled, trying her best to put on a slightly fake-hurt look.

"Ah, don't worry about it." She responded. "But I will be alone yet again because of that after-wedding party that your friends are throwing."

"Simon and Sarah, to be exact. You know them." Holly grinned, the small bell above the door ringing as the girls entered the coffee shop. "But yes, you will be alone for a second time. I'm sorry."

"You are not."

"Okay, maybe I am not. But let's face it the positive way, you will have to whole apartment for yourself for two evenings." Holly explained, a smile tugging at her lips. She was really excited for Sarah to get married, especially because they had been friends since almost eight years now. And she couldn't lie, she was also excited that she would maybe meet some new people.

"What can I get for you, ladies?" the old, friendly man behind the bar counter asked them, snapping Holly out of her thoughts.

"Just an iced coffee and a chocolate muffin." Lee ordered, pulling out her wallet to pay for the both of them.

"For me it's an iced coffee and a strawberry donut, thank you." Holly answered politely as they made their way over to a free table.

"Have you ever thought about having a boyfriend?" Lee suddenly asked, plopping down oppose of Holly, who just clicked her tongue at her comment.

"I told you that I am not interested in a relationship right now." She answered, smiling as Fred delivered their orders.

"But you have never been in a relationship." Lee complained as she took a sip of her sweet, cold iced-coffee.

"I had a boyfriend in 10th grade, he even took my virginity."

"I know, and I also know that you are a really independent woman, but a boyfriend can't be bad." Hollys best friend argued as she took two big bites of her chocolate muffin, swallowing them with another sip of her coffee. "You know, like, what even is your type?"

"You ask way too much." Holly answered. "But in other words, I've never thought of that."

"Okay, imagine: you could choose between a black haired and a blonde haired man, who would you choose?"

"Probably the Blondie." Holly smirked. "They're kinda cute."

"Done. That's your type." Lee shrugged, taking a look at the newspaper, which was laying on the table. "Cute blondes."

Holly was about to roll her eyes at Lee's comment, but her best friend was right. She had always had a thing for some blonde guy in her school.

"Whoa, look at that!" Lee suddenly exclaimed as she pointed at a photoshoot ad in the newspaper, changing the subject of the conversation yet again. "You should call them, this looks professional."

Holly took a look at the ad, her eyes scanning over the words as some of her brunette hair was covering her eyes, slightly annoying her.

"I don't know." She finally said.

"Why not?"

"It's not because of the shoot, but I feel like we should start looking around for a job for you, not just for me. Maybe we should both call this number." Holly suggested as she pointed at the number written under the photoshoot ad.

"Maybe we should..." Lee commented as her thoughts slowly drifted away. "But let's go home now, you'll need some sleep before the wedding."

"I'm just the bridesmaid."

"You'll still need sleep."

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