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Ron sat up in his bed,scowling. After returning from wherever they went,Harry and Hermione had hurried off,leaving behind only a necklace on the floor of the hospital wing. He let out a huge sigh and,just as Ron had resigned himself to not knowing,the doors burst open.

"Harry,I-" Ron stopped in his tracks as he saw that it was not Harry,but Draco Malfoy,who had burst in.

"Oh,Weasley,it's you." The blonde-haired boy drawled. He didn't wait for Ron to reply before talking again.

"What's that?" he asked,pointing to the necklace. He walked over,and bent down beside it.

"Weasley,I'm talking to you. Make the most of it."

"Shut it,Malfoy." muttered Ron,but Draco wasn't listening.

"What is this?" he asked again,holding the necklace up.

It was silver,and as Draco held it at eye level it caught the light streaming in through the window,casting reflections on the walls of the hospital wing. Draco turned to Ron and raised one sleek,pale eyebrow impatiently.

"I don't know."

Draco seemed unhappy with his response,as he rolled his eyes,let out a sigh and proceeded to look at the necklace more closely.

"Get out,Malfoy." said Ron grumpily,but he didn't listen,instead walking over to his bed with a growing grin on his face.

"I know what this is," he chuckled,"It's a time-turner."

Ron frowned.

"A what?" Draco's eyes rolled into the back of his head again.

"A time-turner,Weasley," he sighed,"it lets you go back in time."

"Back in time? Come off it,Malfoy." Ron scoffed,but he had to admit he was intrigued. A necklace that lets you go back in time?

Draco grinned,and threw the chain over his head.

"I think I'll go back a little while,to,uh....well never you mind why."

Ron sat up straight.

"I don't think you should be messing with that,Malfoy."

Draco raised his head,one eyebrow up.

"You want to come with me,Weasley?"


"Come on then."

He leaned over and draped the long,silver chain over Ron's head too,and went to turn the tiny hourglass,but as his fingers touched it Ron stretched out. He knocked Draco's hand,but it was too late,he was already touching it. His hand slipped and the hourglass spun wildly.

"Weasley!" yelled Draco,but as he reached out to hit him they were spun along with the hourglass,tumbling through time,the world around them a blur of colours.

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