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Ron and Draco found themselves laying flat on their backs,their breaths coming in short bursts. Neither had ever used a time-turner before,and after that they didn't particularly want to again. After a few moments,Ron became aware of sounds and movement all around him;people hurrying past on all sides,chatting and calling out to others. This all seemed perfectly normal,but when Ron regained his senses and hoisted himself into a sitting position he saw that these were people unlike any he had seen before. The women wore long dresses,all satin and petticoats,and the men wore suits with frilled sleeves and neck ties,most sporting top hats.

"Malfoy...." he groaned,rubbing his head with one hand,but Draco was one step ahead,already standing and looking around in bewilderment.

"Get up,Weasley." he hissed,and Ron tried to stand,but he found his leg still in pain.

"I can't."


"My leg,you idiot!!"

Draco begrudgingly leaned down and offered Ron a hand to help him stand on shaky legs.

"Can you walk?" he asked,and Ron nodded.

"Not very well,though." he added,and so Draco let him slump him onto his shoulder,acting as a crutch.

"Where's the time-turner?" he muttered under his breath. The necklace,however,was nowhere to be seen. All they saw were raised cobbles beneath their feet,slightly damp from a recent rainfall.

The two boys made their way away from the spot where they'd woken,one hobbling and the other walking,already eliciting some odd looks from passers-by. Ron turned to face his blonde companion.

"I think we need some more fitting clothes." he said.

"Okay,but first I need to fix your leg. You're heavy,Weasley,I can't lug you around like this for long."

They found an abandoned alleyway,damp and dark,where Draco waved his wand and whispered an incantation that sent heat through Ron's leg. The ginger boy stared at him distrustfully,but he didn't say anything for fear of jeopardizing his only hope of recovery.

A few moments of searing heat later,Draco announced that the leg was healed. Ron cautiously stood,and to his surprise found that,while sore,his leg was fine.

"Thanks..." he mumbled with a grimace thrown in Draco's direction.

The next task was to get some more inconspicuous clothes. That was easy enough for them,being wizards; Ron put too young men to sleep with a flick of his wand,and the two boys corralled them into the alley. There,under the cover of the darkness cast over them by the tall buildings stretching up on either side, they removed their outfits and dressed.

"Weasley,this jacket's too big,swap with me." hissed Draco as they stepped out into the daylight. Ron ignored him,just grating his teeth slightly.

They wandered along,taking in the streets around them. Tall,wonky buildings rose on either side,most decorated with a tricolour flag,dangling smudged and torn from the windows and balconies. People hurried by,some wearing red,white and blue pins on their breasts and walking proudly,others wearing grand clothes and rushing along with their heads down.

After a few minutes they saw a newspaper stand. Both boys had the same thought as they approached;if they could find a paper they could find out what time they were in. Ron reached out and picked one up,and read in a shaky voice.

"E-eighteen thirty two....."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2014 ⏰

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