Jr. | Nice to Meet You

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This is dedicated to @Miku-chan7



My phone suddenly started to ring as I stepped out of the shower.

I fumbled it in my hands a bit and almost dropped it since my hands were wet.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Miku!" He exclaimed.

"What's up?" I asked.

"So I was thinking, if you're not busy or anything, would you like to meet my friends today? You know, if you want to. They're all curious about you and all," he said, sounding extremely nervous.

"Why're you so nervous?" I asked.

"Well, they're kind of weird and hyper, so be ready if you want to meet them," he said.

"Sure! I'll be ready!" I replied and hung up.

I sighed.

What if his friends don't like me? What if they're creeps? What if they try to hit on me? What if he doesn't have friends and is hiring people to pretend to be his friends so he could prove to me that he's not a loner?

One may never know unless they do it themselves...

[3 hours later]

"Miku! Let's go meet my friends!" He called excitedly.

"Are your friends like you?" I asked as he dragged me to his car.

"What do you mean?" He replied.

"Jumpy and hyper," I answered.

"I already told you this before," he sighed.

"Yes. Of course."


Once we got to their dorm, Jr. pushed open the door and revealed a super messy household. Their dorm looked like a pig sty.

"Um..." I stood by the door awkwardly, not knowing whether I should enter or run.

"What are you standing there for? Come in!" He said and pulled me inside.

Suddenly, a boy, who looked about 10, shyly peeked around the corner.

"Hi hyung," he greeted Jr.

"Hi Bambam! This is my girlfriend, Miku," he said as he led Bambam to me.

"Bambam meet Miku. Miku meet Bambam."

"Hi," I waved.

"Hi," he said and ran back around the corner.

"She's nice, guys!" I heard him call and saw Jr. facepalm himself.

Jr.'s friends seem... interesting...

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