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  Soooo, today is Monday now, got it? Got it. Of course I didn't forget to post this until Tuesday. It's just a long Monday. A 48 hour long Monday. ...Oh well, the important thing is that I remembered.  Eventually. -T.A.L.A.

     "The hell?"

     Izuku smiled easily as if that was expected, "I'm going to assume you meant 'hello', so hello to you too."

      The person he was meeting was tall, wearing a hood over their head and a thick- but more importantly, very out of place- scarf paired with comically oversized, tinted glasses to cover their face. Put simply while it protected their identity... somewhat, it all looked decidedly odd. "The fu-" they paused and glared, "You're just some kid, I swear if this is some trick-"

      Izuku sighed dramatically, cutting them off before they could continue their threat, "I had noticed you swear, a lot actually.  But I didn't think this was going to be a meet and greet- I wouldn't have come if I had, you know- so that isn't what this is. Because if it was, I would know-"

     "What th-" They began to let loose another string of curses or even quite possibly threats.

     "Now, you're Nora- would you prefer I call you Ms. Green?-" Izuku inwardly cackled at their surprise, they hadn't thought he would know their name, first or last, "I suppose it doesn't matter, I'm here because you needed information, so let's make sure we agree on how specific you want it and then I'll name my price, alright?"

     "You- you're a kid."

Izuku sighed, fixing his deadpan on his face as he answered, "What gave it away." Maybe he should have chosen someone else for his first customer after all... but her computer was just so simple to hack remotely.... oh well.

"I- w- Look, kid, what I need isn't just something you'll hear in passing on the streets, and I need it discreetly-"

"I know, but here's the thing, you haven't seen what I can do yet, the world of quirks is full of possibilities and my quirk is the best there is." He wasn't naive, he knew exactly how people responded when they thought you were quirkless, so he'd come prepared.

"Your quirk...?" She was caught now.

"Yep, Pantomath, I won't give you the specifics of course, but I can guarantee you; I am a whole lot more than I seem."

Nora pursed her lips, "Alright, prove it."

"Hmm... alright, your name is Nora Green, you are female, thirty-six years of age, blood type ab negative, and have been engaged once although it fell through very shortly after. You're currently single, but have had your eye out on... ew, by the way; Yamamoto Minato, age thirty-eight, blood type b positive, 178.62 centimeters. He's dating by the way, two separate people, I suggest you keep looking. Anyway, you live alone, visit your parents often although you try not to go when your sister does as your relationship with her is rocky due to her part in-"

"Okay! Okay!" Nora cut in, "I get it, you know everything about me, but that's not what I ne-"

Izuku calmly interrupted her again, finally taking a seat at the picnic table- they had met in an almost always abandoned park- "I know," he tilted his head to the side with each word he spoke she grew paler, "What your interested in is of a different nature, for your job as a reporter, you want... information, on one of the officials currently running for election, you know, the one who is oh so interested in the current quirk laws... Mr. Takahashi... yes?"

Nora was frozen, eyes wide and leaning forward. When she spoke it was near breathless, "Yes."

"It will cost you quite a bit..."

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