Young one...

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Once upon a time there was a boy by the name of Tommy wealth. The whole wealth family tree was blessed by a power from the gods if they were to ask a question the answer would appear on a near by wall Tommy never used this power for pleasure he only used it to help people even tho he was only seven he was always good never threw a fit never waiting any toy even tho his parents are quite wealthy but all this brings us to this one night that will change Tommy forever.

Tommy was nice and snug in his bed his mother and father just walked out Of the room from putting Tommy to sleep. Tommy almost asleep hears a horrific scream from the living room he quickly rushes to the living room when he arrives to the room he sees his mother and father dead on the floor barely recognizable from the two body's be cut up into little pieces. Terrified he looks around for the person that did this horrible deed but he sees nothing not a single speck of a person.. horrified he asks his power who who in the world did it he looks at the walls and the only thing he sees is written in his mother and fathers blood Tommy wealth. He begs it was wrong but he looks down to see his left hand covered with blood and his right hand a hunting knife 6 inches long he hears a siren outside his house he quickly run out the door he had to he had to run he had to hide he rain into the Forrest behind his house and ran and ran when his legs started to hurt he ran through the pain he quickly ducked behind a tree he thinks the cops are gone. He dose it hear anything of the cops. running into the Forest  he scratched his arms he pulls out wrappings from his coat that he grabbed before he ran out of the house and went back to running

                           Time skip 2020

This is ware we meet are protagonist of this story a young  orphan  boy by the name of  bon most orphans live in a orphanage but bon lives on his own in a abandoned apartment right now he is walking home in the  rain from doing who knows what

" god this rain won't stop will it " bon says annoyingly when he finally get in his so to be house he lays his thing down and opens his bag and takes out some   Bread and meat the best meal he has had in a while he makes his dinner and lays down on the floor with his ripped blanket and his backpack as a pillow he looks out his window and sees a daughter and a mother walking home he envies them...

Time skip next morning he turns on his little battery powered radio and hears " a women  was brutally murdered suspect thinks it was a mugging all they know she had a stab wound I. Her chest her child now a orphan is devastated at the news.


"To bad.." bon says with a sigh.

  Authors note : Sorry this was short this is my first story

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