Who is he really...

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Bon watches Jess leaves his home, he questions why she is always worried about him and that she is so annoying but he moves on with his day by reading and listening to the radio he finally falls asleep. through the night bon sleep peacefully as normal and wakes up to 31 text messages from his little out dated flip phone from max that Tommy was last seen in thare town and that tommy was the one that probably killed the women on the radio bon didn't want anything to do with maxes whole Tommy wealth thing he finds it kinda annoying and irritating he scrolls through the messages and sees that max said that Tommy wealth probably lives someware here under a fake name bon deletes all the messages with a sigh and gose off to school Jess and max are talking by the entrance "wow your not late today that's weird" not as weird as you with your whole Tommy wealth thing btw you should Drop it you might end up getting hurt bon reply's "no I won't I fill find Tommy wealth and turn him in" max says whatever bon reply's and the three head into the school and enter there classes

Time skip after school cuz school is dumb and nothing happens ->-
"Hey!" Jess yells at bon when he gets out of school "max wanted to meet up at this new ice cream shop down the block"  Jess says to bon fine bon says and they both walk over to the new ice cream shop they both get thare ice cream but something was wrong max was not thare could they be at the wrong place Jess finish up her ice cream and wanted more so bon gave her, his ice cream she thanked him and enjoyed the ice cream they wanted thare for a good 30 minutes and no sign of max so they started to look around the area a good 1 hour past and Jess was got scared because it was getting dark so they looked for max together with Jess holding on to bon's arm they looked everywhere even at his home he was not thare thay went back to the ice cream shop. They were just about to to to stop the hunt for max when bon sees thare is a ally way behind the ice cream store bon asks himself if max in thare... Jess looks at the ally way and it has a door at the end of it bon insists that they go in finally Jess agrees and they walk in as soon as they step in the door bon covers jesses eyes and whispers closer your eyes and don't open them until I say so "but" Jess says LISTEN TO BE  bon say loudly "f-fine" Jess answer as bon removes his hands and Jess closes her eyes bon looks at the floor and sees his deceased friend cuz up in pieces and a man standing over the mess with a knife WHO ARE YOU bon demands  " I am Tommy wealth" the man says oh yeah? "Yeah" the man replays let test that fact Jess closers her eyes harder and and covers her ears all she can hear is screaming she opens her eyes a bit and all  she sees is her dear friend max cut up and bon standing over a body holding a bloody knife he looks back at her and sees that she opend her eyes I thought I said don't open your eyes all that she could say after this was

B-bon who are you... 

Still short but idfc I like it short don't ask -.-

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