Chapter four: The game of a thousand voices

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(Picture is of  12 year old Lilian)

Azreal awoke to a loud horn sounding in the distance. She sat up and looked around to see various people sprinting off in different directions. This confused Azreal for she had no idea were she was"hey you better get a move on it if you wanna stay alive" she heard a familiar voice say, she then looked up to meet the blood red eyes of Asset C. He smirked as he held out a hand to help her up.Azreal starred at his hand for some time debating wether she should take it or not "look W-159 I'm not going to hurt you I'm just trying to make sure that you understand what's happening" his voice sounded annoyed as he continued to offer to help Azreal up"and why do you care if I know what's going on" Azreal asked angry as she took his hand and he hoisted her to her feet with incredibe strength"I don't care it's merely my job to make sure all the contestants know what's happening" he said and began to walk north. Azreal rolled her eyes before following, this made him smirk for he had power over her and he liked that. "So what is happening" Azreal asked reluctantly as she kept pace with the child that stood next to her." Well the game if one thousand voices of course" Asset C said calmly as he stopped inaclearing and turned to face Azreal" the game has one rule okay and that rule is that there are no rules" he frowned as he then gestures around the area before speaking" we are in the game reservoir slash containment. The pointed the game is to stay alive for a week at the end of the week the hunter will be incapacitated and the survivors removed" he began to walk once more leaving Azreal to think of what he had said"wait!!" She called to him he turned around and stared her straight in the eyes "who's the hunter?"

Zenkiath POV

I watched from the trees as the familiar strange Ooman pup walked through the woods with a female. I began to follow the pare for the Ooman pup was always my greatest advisory. He had been in every hunt since I got here. The Ooman pup would enter the hunt and would assist one other Ooman. The pup was very intelligent and creative, he could fight extremely well and would be the ultimate trophy. My only problem with this pup is his age, he never seems to grow up but remains a pup which marks him as off limits.
The pare talked about the hunt and how it worked for the Ooman female had lots of questions. They stoped in a clearing as the pup whirled to face the female" we are in the game reservoir slash containment . The point of the game is to stay alive for a week at the end of the week the hunter incapacitated and the survivors removed" the Ooman pup continued his walk, the female watched the strange pup before calling after the him "wait!" The pup stoped and looked at the female "who's the hunter?" She asked curiously, the pup sniffed the air then looked straight at me "C'jit" I thought to my self as the pup smirked devilishly at me "well he's hard to describe W-159 maybe you should just see for yourself" he said the female looked confused and looked around "try the trees love" he said with a bit of an accent to her. She looked at him with anger radiating off of her"don't call me that" she sneered at the pup.
I watched as the pare walked, heading for a unknown destination

POV End,

"HURRY W-159!!!!!!" Azubis yelled back at Azreal as they sprinted through the woods dodging trees and rocks as they ran. Azreal was confused Asset C had just randomly started sprinting and yelling at her to hurry she didn't know why he was acting like this, but what she did know was that he smelled something so they better run."WHAT IS IT C!!!!!" Azreal yelled to her companion that was a ways head of her. He didn't reply just merely slowed his pace a bit so that she could catch up, she did and he took off  again at a inhuman speed leaving her alone sprinting north. Azreal began to panic she was being chased by something and she didn't know what it was except that it made no sound. She had to think and think she did, Azreal stopped dead in her tract she needed to concentrate. she closed her eyes and cleared her mind she needed to let the other in, let her in Azreal she thought to herself she had only done this twice both in the comfort of her containment cell when no one was watching. she breathed heavily and bent down into a sprinting position.her eyes shot open with a white glaze clouding in front of her yellow eye. she saw two different views of the forest. her yellow eye stared back the way she came while her blue eye stared infront of her. She bolted to the left watching herself run from her yellow eye. she watched her hair sway in the wind, watched herself jump and dodge. It was time, so Azreal sprinted right her blue eye making sure she didnt trip while her glazed over yellow eye followed a different path.  path of tall grass and tall trees, a path were there we not many rocks.

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