
18 2 0

A little h/c girl called for her lifeless mother laying on the floor with her organs all mangled  and strained on the floor making on kind of shapes  she had a few missing  and stumic was cut open from her chest  to the bottom of her stumic.
      The young girl had blood all over her hands.
      She hears sirens she looked over at  the window  to see flashing  blue lights..

Then everything went black

□time skip your 17□
◇your p.o.v◇

       I set in my small room looking  out the window into the woods I hurd a small knock on the boor oh the room
" come in" I said in a light voice as my older adopted sister came in the room I was brought  into this house  at the age of 10 and I hate it here I am nothing  but a servant  to these  people. I mean they give me my privates  yes but  there still compet  assholes  especially their son Michael, the damn perv  don't  know how to keep to himself.
      "Y/n u have some laundry to get done  and the dishes and wipe everything  down no one gonna be home for a nother 2 to 3 hours so make sure it done bye then"she informed me " yes mama"
I am so glad tomorrow  my birthday  I will be 18 and can leave this hell hole.
      She left my room and I got up to get ready  for the day and do my chores and what not

🕑time skip🕝

I was setting  on the back porch  snaking  on some raw meat. Why....well I have always  had this thing with raw meat I don't  like it cooked  or any normal food  it just  doesn't  settle right.
      As I look  at the sky and watched the clouds  and see the shapes  when I hurd a snap in the woods I look over to the big trees that separate  the backyard  from  the woods I set up and looks  over there and put the cup fool of bloody raw meat down  on the table  and walk to the woods  to check it out. I see a reddit I shrugged  and grabbed  it bye it ears and picked it up it little nose  wiggled and it tried  to get away from my grip I sighed and smiled  lightly " it ok little guy am not gonna hurt you" I informed  it and held it in my arms at least not yet I got up and walked to the porch  with the rabbit  I pic up my cup and walked inside with the rabbit  I walked to my room and out the rabbit in a cage with food and water  and a place  to sleep.
     I walk out of my room and walked to the kitchen  to cook everyone  dinner  bc it won't  be long before they get home

🕝time skip🕑

     There home I am setting  in my room drawing no I isn't  the best  at drawing  but that's ok I still enjoy it as the time past the heavier  my eyes got and the more I wanted food I am hungry  it been about 6 hours ago when I had my last snack and I want a meal al of a sudden  a sent of blood rushed to my nose  and not animal blood either it was human blood and it wasn't  coming  for the house. I looked out my window  and open it making  the smell of blood stronger I climbed out of my bed room window  and followed  the sent that led into the wood it make my mouth water like no tomorrow.
     I keeped walking  closer as the sent got stronger and the more hungry I got I walked to a treed and looked on the other side of it to see a tent...tents around  a burnt  out fire I saw someon in one of them come out and look around  I head behind  the tree then I hurd  them start walking  the other way  I lesson and waited tell I couldn't  hear them no more and walk to the tents and open them to see a couple ripped to shreds  my mouth water  I felt my teeth get sharper  then everything  went black

🕑time skip🕝

     I woke up with me in my room I ground  and sat up what the hell was that a dream I thought  as I set up and looked around  the room I slowly  got out of the bed to get ready  for the day but I realized  that it not even daylight so I walked downstairs  and  to check  the time on the way down I hurd something  move around  downstairs  I stopped and my gard went up and started to walk down the stairs  keeping  my gard up then hurd talking

" are you sure this is the right house "

" y-yes I saw her go i-into this one"

"Well look at this picture do u see her in them"

" ....n-no"

As I lesson  I felt a present behide me I swiftly  turn around  to see a boy in a orange hoodie a ske mask  that had a read frowny  face on it I stayed still he had a gun just  grate  I stared  him down I felt something  sharp on the edge of my tongue he move the gun  forward  mosen  me to walk so I do then he speaks "is this her" he said I looked to see to more boys about  the same age as the other one had orge goggles  and a face mask  he kinda look like a owl the other  had a white mask that made him look like he had no eyes and  had black lip stick. I just  watched then the owl boy nodded " who are u people and why you in my house " I asked  in a calm voice the owl looked at me strangely " what there something  on my face" I asked touching my face then I felt something  hard it my head " ouch fuck that hurt!!" I yelled a little to loud then I hurd someone  upstairs  open there boor " crap" I whisper then felt someone  cover my mouth  and  pull me into the closet  with them and then owl boy and the masked dude  follow and the other keep there hand over my mouth. After a few minutes  it was getting  hard to breathe  and I bit him hard on his hand he yelled and uncover my mouth and I took a beep breath  in then once  more everything  went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2020 ⏰

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