Your Own Personal Mascots

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CHAPTER WARNINGS: Lots of cursing
Angst, but don't worry things get fun after this chapter
Pacing is kinda weird
Mentions of suicide
Let me know if there's anything else!


"Another day done." A bright yellow bus shutters to a stop, throwing forward all of the teenagers inside with an uncomfortable jolt. Some stand up, grabbing their things as they head off while others move seats, now having more space for themselves. The line to the front shuffles forward awkwardly, some having light conversations while others mind their own business.

One girl, a fourteen year old freshman, stumbles forward mindlessly as music plays through her earbuds loud enough so the bus' chatter is a muffled noise in the background. She makes it to the front, nodding her head in appreciation to their exhausted driver before hopping off, (h/c) hair bouncing about as she lands.

The girl had deep purple bags under her eyes, wearing a black hoodie and some equally black ripped jeans, a surprisingly bearable outfit in the late winter weather of January. No one paid her mind as she passed, nor did she as she walked up to the crosswalk, eyeing the expensive neighborhood that some of the more richer kids walked into.

The light across the street switched to a white stick figure and the remaining bundle of students crossed the street, most laughing happily in their conversations as the one teenage girl continued to stay quiet, the last one to make it across the street.

A yawn escaped her as she headed down the sidewalk towards the neighborhoods for those of the lower part of the middle class such as herself. She wasn't really poor, per se, but she definitely didn't live in a three story mansion.

Nearing her gate, the thoughts of all the homework she had received that day crossed her mind. And thus began the daily debate. To do her homework, or not do it. That was always the fucking question.

It used to be an easy yes back in elementary. Just do the assignments, then your parents are happy with you, your teachers are happy, no one isn't happy. But then things got more difficult, and as the days went on and the grades passed by she got more tired, and suddenly making everyone else happy became too much work.

She could go home and not do the assignments and her mother wouldn't be the wiser. Her mom wouldn't even be home for another hour or three. She could watch TV or scroll through social media, laughing at random shit rather than spending hours on pointless assignments.

But then her teachers would ask where the assignments are, and she'd get in trouble no matter what excuse she could come up with, and her mom would see the homework marked missing, and then she'd get yelled at and getting told off was so exhausting. Everything was nowadays.

So yeah, that was the question. Do the homework, or don't do the homework. It should be simple, but it never was.

"I mean," a sudden voice cut out, more clear than any background noise but it certainly wasn't a part of Migraine by Twenty One Pilots that was currently blasting through her ears. "Homework is pretty fucking pointless. Not doing one assignment now isn't going to lead to disaster later. You just get in trouble, but does that really matter in the long run?" the voice asked, and the girl pulled out her earbuds to look around.

And once she looked to her left she regretted it. Out of the surprise that she was no longer walking alone, seeing as the rest of the students were already home or farther up ahead, she tripped backwards, falling down right past the curb onto the street.

Before her was a boy with a sort of caramel brown skin tone, his face having an expression of boredom as his shiny sea green eyes glanced down at her. He had fluffy black hair, but to the girl's surprise and horror, two small red horns were protruding through it, sticking out to make their presence known.

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