episode 1

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as usual, I woke up at 7 am in my apartment getting ready  because today I will move to Korea because someone asks me to treat his cousin  as I pack my clothes putting them in the luggage 

I call a taxi to drive me to the airport is a 1-hour drive from my apartment to the airport 

when I arrive at the airport I check in my luggage and wait in the waiting area 

while waiting I read the email that the person sent to me it looks like the last psychiatrist didn't last long it says :

name: MR.J


job: gangster 

info: he can laugh and cry at the same time he is suffering depression.   his depression got worse when his girlfriend dies  2 years ago .he also try to suicide but always fail  .he is heartless, he has 2 different hair colors red and green his role model is the joker.

when you read the file the person sent to you run your finger through your hair and close your laptop. 

not long after your gate is open you went inside the plane the person who asks you to come to Korea gives you the business class seat.  

y/n pov 

when I was already in the sky I keep on thinking how bad his depression was until he can laugh and cry at the same time then you read his files again at your laptop.

when I read it again you were shaken because he was the royal family son. maybe they just want to protect his identity 

after you read all of it you started to feel sad for him 

y/n: "this person needs someone to hear his problems and needs a hug to make him feel better. I hope there is someone did that to him .it could make him feel better .but if there's someone did those to him, there's no way they called me to treat him  *you said to your self *                            

~end of y/n pov~

~time skip 14 hours later you arrive at Korea~   

when I reach Korea a storm was going to happen in any minutes from now I took a taxi to go to the apartment that person told me to when I was at the car I saw that there is almost no one  out at the street 

~after 30 minutes you arrive at the apartment ~ 

when I get out of the taxi a cold breeze went past you, you quickly get inside the apartment.

you went inside the apartment with your hue luggage at your right hand. everything I need is there and they said that I  don't need to pay anything because it was given by the government to you as the reward to treat the royal family   

when you want to set your things up you saw the file that is familiar to the one that the person gave you from the email  you took it  and read it

y/n: "he's still young to have this depression "

after you read it all you go prepper your things for tomorrow  after everything is prepper I went to the bedroom and rest

 ~the next day ~

you wake up at 8 am and saw a computer, you went to it and sat on the chair 

a lot of articles started to pop up to your screen  

y/n: "he is one of the biggest criminals  but the government can't catch him because he is from the royal family "

you read the article

y/n: "a girl who was confirmed MR.J's girlfriend died in front of the king and queen because of treason. MR.J couldn't do anything and got a lot of criticism for not helping her. is this the reason he fell so hard into depression ?"

you try to read another article about MR.J. out of the blue you got a message-

9 am, 1 June 2020


Unknown: miss y/n, can you come to MR.J house right now if you're not busy? I know it is still early but we really need your help right now.

y/n: okay sir give me your location  

Unknown: XXXXXXX

y/n: okay I'm on my way 

Unknown: thanks miss y/n

y/n: no problem sir

you close the computer and left your room with your phone you were about to go when you suddenly saw a bag with a note on it you went to it and take the note. all you remember is that you didn't see the bag yesterday. you read it and you were shocked 

~{to be continue}~

MR.J  (jungkook FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang