episode 2

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you read the note 

"don't do it don't treat him just take the money and go he's a psychopath he's insane he can't be a cure just leave him  the bag is full of money just take it  "

y/n: "what kind of person sent this  "

after that, you go to the address that the person sent to you

~when you arrive at MR.J house ~

you knock the door and revealing a handsome guy 

???:" hi  you must be miss y/n right I'm taehyung the one called you please come inside "

y/n: "so what happened to Mr.j sir?"(you ask while entering the house)

???: "hi this must be the new psychiatrist right I'm Jimin ad over there is jin "

you nod and see another guy preparing food on a tray

taehyung:" well you see he started to hurt himself over and over again and he laughs and cries at the same time we don't know what to do in two days he will have an important meeting we don't want him to miss it and regret it later"

y/n: "okay sir I will try my best"

Jimin: "are you going to leave after this please don't be the 36 psychiatrists that leave him ?"(he asked with a sad tone)

y/n: "I promise I won't leave him, sir, he is now my patient"

Jimin :(he smiled at me )"thank you "

y/n: "so where do I meet this Mr.j? "

taehyung:" right this way miss "

you followed him and reach one door he opens it and I go inside 

as I went inside I saw him sleeping peacefully .i grab a chair and sit next to his bed while looking at him.you see his table there's a lot of medicine and drugs . not long after he woke up 

??? : "who are you ?"(while he grabs you hand tight )

y/n: "w-wait a minute Mr.j"

Mr.j:" what did you call me just now"

y/n:" I'm only your new psychiatrist Mr.j "

he smirks then he laughs like a psychopath and pushes you back to your sit you were used to this because before meeting him this is your daily job and every of your patient didn't have their depression when they left the hospitals

Mr.j: "are you not scared of me, don't you want to leave this room because I will not be surprised"

y/n: "Mr.j I have become a psychiatrist for 5 years and never leave each of my patients "

Mr.j:" everyone was just like you they say they will say but what at the end they always left me! and it will never end " 

y/n:" MR.j I promise I won't leave you I will treat you until you are fully recovered, once I promise I never broke it Mr.j"

MR.j: "you promise"

you nod your head suddenly he laughs 

Mr.j: " why don't you take the money and go while you still can "

you sigh 

y/n: "Mr.j have you watch Alice in the wonderland ?"

Mr.j: " yes why?" (he said confused because he thought you are going to leave )

y/n: "you are like mad hatred he looked like a bad guy but he is actually a kind person 

he caught off guard when you suddenly take his hand suddenly he cries

Mr.j: you promise me you won't leave me like the others 

you nod your head 

Mr.j: "so miss what's your name? "

y/n:" my name is y/n" (you said with a smile trying to cheer him up )

Mr.j: " if you left me I'll make sure you lost the patient your talking in front of you "

then you stand up and sit next to him and say 

y/n: "I was once like you to when I was 12 people always say I'm crazy, that I will never be cured, nobody wants to treat me the always leave .i also know how it feels being left and thinks no one wants us "

Mr.j:" what about your parents ?"

when he said that those painful memory starting to come back again 

y/n: I lost my parents when my brother died 

Mr.j: "I'm sorry, what things do you want the most from them ?"

y/n:" for us to be together like we used to "( you smile at him)" what about you Mr.j what do you want the most from your parent?"

Mr.j: " all I want is for them to smile I try everything to get their attention but always no use " (he said with a sad tone )

y/n:"I will help you until you carefully recovered Mr.j I will sign the contract "

Mr.j:" thank you y/n"

you stand up and see his table 

y/n:" who gave you this ?"

Mr.j: "the psychiatrists before you they all gave me those drugs "

y/n:" don't you know you don't need all of this wait "

you grab something from your bag you gave him the correct medicine 

y/n: "here don't eat all of those again just take this twice a day "

he is the shock of what you said so after this whole time I don't need all these things ugh

y/n: "Mr.j I will sign the contract and set our schedule "

you see he nod his head and left the room 

Jimin: "so miss will you stay?

y/n: "I will sign the contract"

taehyung:" really thank you so much "

when you just Finnish signing the contract there's to voice from behind you

????: "so this is the new psychiatrist huh "

~to be continue ~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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