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"Hey, why are you so pale? Relax ,okay?" Jin said to me while patting my back slowly. I kept staring at my breakfast which make him annoyed again.

"If you do this during your interview, then you will rejected", he said again, with a bit angry in his tone.

"But, it is my first time", I looked at him, nervous.

"I know. That's why you have to stay calm, with that you can do your best. It is okay to be nervous but not to much. Now, eat your breakfast", he continued his breakfast while texting with her girlfriend.

Without answer in my throat, I just nod and continue my breakfast then start to think again.

"What if he doesn't like me?", I shook Jin's body and faked crying. "I heard that he is psycho. He keep changing his personal assistant every week. What if I am one of them", I pouted with Jin giving me a glared as a replied.

"If you're not eating your breakfast, then we are going now"

I quickly shoved my mouth full with the mac and cheese that Jin made for the two of us. He shook his head as he looked at me.

The whole journey to the office was silent, which made me more nervous.

"Can we talk about something? This silence is killing me!" I fiddled my fingers hard as my nervous to take over my whole life.

"Fine. I got this new dad joke. Are you ready?"

Here we go again. It's okay as long as it killed the silent

"Okay okay. What is it?", I asked curiously.

" What do I do when the ice cream is too cold"

"Hmm... stop eating it?"

"Daeng daeng daeng! The answer is I SCREAM", he answered his own joke together with his windshield wiper laugh.

"Damn it. Why I've never had that kind of idea? Lol" ,I laughed a little. Forgot about the nervous.

"Because your name is not Jin", he said seriously.

"What about it?"

"Jin is also the meaning of JINieus", now his annoying laughing is back.

Jin continue to asked me a lot of dad jokes along the journey to the office which make me calmer.

After a dozen of dad jokes Jin gave me, we arrived in front of the big and tall building. Jin pulled over and looked at me again. Now, I am sweating, again. My hands and feet started to trembling, again.

"Ya, what are you doing?" I didn't move an inch. Jin sighed and move to my side. He opened the door and pulled his hand towards me.

"Come on. I will accompany you until the counter"

I took his hand and get off from the car. I hold tight on to his hand causing his palm also sweating as me. He guide me heading to the counter and asked where does the interview takes place.

" Oh. It's Mr. Min Yoongi office. Just go to the 6th floor then turn left. Then you will find his office", the female worker said while smiling. Well, more likely smiling at my handsome brother actually.

Min Yoongi? No way. It is impossible. It might be they got the same name but different person. Who knows? Just by hearing that name I am about to vomit

"Thank you", Jin say and bowed his head before turned to me.

"You heard that right?", I nod, slowly.

I Still Want You // Yoongi FF [On Hold]Where stories live. Discover now