Chapter 21 | Misunderstood

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Third person P.O.V
It took everything for you to get out of bed the next morning. Chills ran over your body as you pushed the blankets off of you, the early daylight peeking through your blinds leaving a bright shade on your sheets. Wanting to fall asleep again, you grabbed your phone from the nightstand to check the time. "What the-" 

Cheryl <3: Party at Thistlehouse tonight! Bring your beau or come alone...
xxx Cheryl Bombshell

Wow she even put her tag in the text that's damn heartless. It definitely stung to see Cheryl moving on as if the night before never happened. That was apparently her way of coping with the situation. You threw your phone back onto your bed and decided to get ready for the day. After you threw on some fresh clothes, you walked downstairs to make yourself a cup of coffee.
As you were intensely watching the machine do it's thing, the doorbell rang leaving a peep in your ear.
"Who the hell is this." Half-asleep you shuffled to the door with your still unbrushed hair. And as you tried to make it look a little more representable you opened the door, only to be blinded by a ray of sunlight.

"Jesus, I can't see shit."
You complained, trying to block the intense light with your right hand.
"Thanks, I guess?"
Great, Betty was at your door. She was definitely here to complain about the whole thing with Veronica.
"To what do I owe the pleasure to see you this early?"
She'd usually pick you up at 8:30 to walk to school together, but since it was only 8, she had literally no reason to be at your house already.
"I think you know, y/n. We should talk." You were still waking up, thinking about the cup of coffee that was waiting for you inside.
"Ok let's keep it short then. I need my coffee first though." 
Betty nodded before following you into the kitchen. She was adjusting her iconic ponytail as she took a seat at the island. You poored her a glass of OJ and sat down too, enjoying the cup of energy in front of you.
"I told Cheryl." 
Betty furrowed her eyebrows.
"And she's throwing a party tonight because..." 
That reminded you of the fact that Cheryl had probably sent that text to everyone you knew. 
"I don't know, it's Cheryl. She always does weird shit, but I could really use a party though."
You admitted making the blonde look up at me.
"Don't tell me you're going." 
You downed my coffee, putting the cup down and nodded.
"Yeah I love parties, and I like drinking. So why the hell not?" 
"Oh I don't know, because your ex-girlfriend is throwing the party? And you guys literally just broke up."
Betty did have a point. 
"First of all, we didn't officially break up. And second of all, I also want to talk to her. And what better way to talk than with some alcohol in our systems."
You winked at Betty. You sounded like an alcoholic at that point, actually getting excited about the night ahead.
"I hate the way you're approaching this y/n- you're only going to make things worse for yourself."
You scoffed bitterly about this; Betty was a real buzzkill. 
"I'm sorry, who told me to break up with her again?" 
She rolled her eyes sighing as you were getting angry now too.
"Look, do what you want. But don't come crawling back to me when she lets you down."
Betty grabbed her stuff and left. The last person you'd talk to about this was Betty, so she had nothing to worry about. Flashbacks of Cheryl walking out on you returned, bringing your whole mood down. You flinched as the door came to a close with a bang, before grabbing your jacket and putting on your shoes; you wanted Veronica to walk you to school.

Your P.O.V.
Yes, Betty was right. Chances were, that I'd embarrass myself in front of Cheryl and all of my friends at the party. But that morning I was so sure of the fact that I definitely wasn't going to get too drunk. Feelings and alcohol just go together so perfectly: I didn't make the damn rules. I can hear you think already. Who the hell was I kidding lmao.
This was gonna go wrong in so many ways and I was actually pretty excited about it. The more chaos, the merrier. On my way to Veronica's house I texted Toni that I'd be late to school and that she didn't need to save me seat. But a text wasn't enough it seemed, when she started calling just as I entered Veronica's street. 
"Topaz, what's up." I could hear chatter in the background indicating that she was already at school.
"Are you lazy or are you doing something incredibly important." I chukled at how curious she was.
"It's pretty important I'd say, I'm gonna tell Veronica that I broke up with Cheryl."
There was a silence that followed on the other line, making me scrunch my eyebrows. The chatter had died down, and I didn't no wether she'd entered an empty classroom, or if there was another reason for it. Just as I was about to ask what was going on, Toni spoke up again. 
"Uhm, you can't." 
The Pembrooke was coming into sight now as I kept walking despite whatever Toni was saying.
"Why the hell not, I'm practically on her doorstep already." 
I chuckled at the sudden change of vibe I got from Toni.
"Y/n I know you don't want to hear this- but Chuck just asked Veronica out in front of the entire school." 
Toni's words made me stop in my tracks. Suddenly the chatter was back, but this time people were cheering and screaming. Realisation hit me right in the guts. Of course, he made a huge gesture. Guess he didn't need my advice after all.
I hung up and threw my phone on the ground releasing a scream, my frustration getting the best of me. Right after I did it I checked if the device was broken, which it luckily wasn't cus didn't have the money to buy a new one lol. 
She was probably enjoying his company by now. The company of someone she knew she could have. Was she playing me? Just 2 days ago she was all over me, trying to convince me to leave Cheryl. To be with her. 

Maybe this was all a misunderstanding.

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