Is this a romcom?

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Episode 1

My name is Fay, I'm 23 years old and I'm a freelance artist. I'm currently sitting in front of an old senior of mine, Kim Seokjin, that asked me out for coffee to discuss something. What I thought was going to be a normal day of apologizes, I'm currently sitting here with coffee spilling out of my mouth. Why you ask? well let's go back.

Just a few minutes ago

"Marry me..."

Spits coffee.

Present time

Yeah now i'm sitting here like a vegetable because my bully in high school is asking me to marry him. And not only that but i haven't seen him in years, what like 5 years, that's a long ass time. Of course we didn't keep in contact after high school he was my freaking bully.

"Wait what?!" I say in disbelief wiping the coffee off my chin.

"I need to get married by the end of this month by my father's request, I heard that you're not doing so well. Not only that but i don't think anyone else would marry you anyway. '' Jin says just sipping his fancy cup of tea like he didn't just drop a bomb on me.

"What?! Hold on! Who told you I wasn't doing well?!" I question. He just shrugged and sipped his tea again.

This guy! What the hell?! He's even bullying me now even though we're fucking grown. Well honestly he's right i'm not doing so well, being an artist isn't the best thing to be right now. I don't get many jobs and people are really picky so i don't really get to be free in my art.

"Well?" he asks with his brow raised at me.

"Why me? We haven't talked in years." my curiosity takes over, 'If you call bullying talking.'

"Don't know... " he just says.


What the heck is up with this guy! We weren't friends so why me? He had to go to the trouble of finding a mutual friend to get back in contact with me. Wait... Is this a prank?

"Is this a joke?" I quickly ask thinking out loud.

"Nope." he bluntly says.

'Oh god he's dead serious. '

"Uh, Jin maybe i'm not the perf-'' he cut me off, "No your not perfect, but honestly who is when i'm here in this world." he says holding his head a little higher.

Oh my god! He's still that Mr. perfect! In high school all the girls would scream for him and gave him the nickname's 'Prince Jin' and 'Mr.perfect'. That totally boosted his ego and that made him a worse ass then he was in middle school. To top it all off he's the son of one of richest men in the country.

"Okay Jin say I do marry you, what do I get out of this? I'm not rich wife material, if the paparazzi see me they'll... " I trail off, can just see it now, 'The ugly wife!' or maybe even, 'Gold digger wife!'. God I can barely handle when critics talk about my art but if people go around talking about my appearance I'll definitely die. Ugh! that's probably what Jin wants!

"Look I... I choose you because you're not me, I need someone that isn't part of this world or I'll lose my mind. " Oh wow, so Jin just wants someone that will bring him a bit of normalcy I guess. "And honestly if I had a pretty and rich wife all the cameras wouldn't look at me as much. " he added.

'I should have known!'

"Jin... well-" he cut me off, "You don't have a boyfriend do you?"

"No it's just... don't you want to marry someone you love?" I ask curiously. He became silent but he still had that straight face. Yeah Jin has always been like this, cold and calm, "I will marry you, Fay, you just have to agree."

For some reason that made my heart flutter... No! No! Ugh, get it together! This isn't some Romcom, this is real life! Okay, think! What are the benefits of marrying Jin...

'Money. '


'And good looking kids? '

'Hmmmm...Oh shit! I would have to have children with him! '

I'm not a virgin but that sounds scary having sex with a guy I used to hate. What if we start hitting each other and we die. Okay now I sound stupid we're not kids anymore. Come on Fay this is dumb, your single, basically poor and almost homeless, what do you got to lose. My life is on the verge of falling apart. I need to stay alive somehow and money just doesn't fall from mid air.

"Alright... I will marry you Kim Seok Jin"

End 1

Phantomcharm19 here! 

 I changed my writing style, I used to write like in a play like format but I got advice that this was better! So this is new to me Lol. I hope you like it though! 

 I hope you like it though! 

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