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When the plane landed safely in Seoul a flight attendant carefully woke the Aussie boy up making sure not to scare him."Mr.Lee? we've arrived in Seoul its time to go with your mother sir,". Felix opened his eyes slowly a bit of shock on his face "I'm sorry for scaring you master Lee!" the flight attendant bowed " oh no! it's totally fine! no need to apologize MS, I'm always s bit startled when I wake up" Felix said with a chuckle. The flight attendant bowed again and then giggled "you better get going Mr. Lee you don't want to be left, here do you?" she said with a smile. Felix shook his head and then giggled giving her his eye smile. He gets his suitcase out and walks out of the plain bowing to the kind flight attendant one more time before he gets out. He walks next to his mom into the airport. They collected their bags and a huge limo came to pick them up Felix was in shock. the suitcases were taken care of and put in the back of the limo. Felix and his mother sat inside as they were exiting the airport grounds. The 16-year-old boy whispered in his mum's ear "mum? Where are we going?"

"we're going to our new house Lix its bigger than our old one in Australia I'm sure you'll love your new room" she whispered back at her son. The freckled boy smiles happily giving his mom his signature eye smile. She patted his head and gave a him a new phone the newest one he took it happily hugging his mother and kissing her cheek. He decked it out and transferred all his data into his new phone while on the way to their new house.

1 hour later

They pulled up at their so called "house" Felix's jaw dropped at the amazing sight in front of him he never thought he would live in such a fancy posh house it was absolutely huge the garden was so neat and beautiful he pinched himself to sure he wasn't dreaming

welcome to our new house Felix!" his mother said cheerfully smiling "whoaaa" Felix gasped. "let's get in! I want to see my room!" Felix said exiting the limo and running to the front of the house his mom covered his eyes and walked hi to his room for a surprise his room was huge and exactly how his dream room would be like. It had a huge TV a lounge and a balcony and a huge closet. Felix opened his eyes gasping at the site thanking his mom over and over again. She told him to unpack and settle in, and after he unpacked to meet her in the living room and she'll give tell him his school and she has another surprise for him that he'll absolutely love.

Felix greeted his mother as he sat down on the couch. "Felix darling you remember your childhood best friend Chris, right?"

"yes, mum and I miss him very much I wish I could see him again but sadly he moved away from Australia four years ago,"

"well I have a surprise close your eyes Felix" Felix did as he was told "now open them" his mother commanded. Felix opened his eyes recognizing a very familiar person.

"CHRIS MATE I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!!" Felix yelled in excitement as he hugged the older. The older hugged back tears forming in his eyes as he hugged his best friend for the first time in 4 years. " I missed you so much Lixie! My second little brother look at how much you've grown!" Chris said as he patted the freckled boy's head

"so, Felix Chris is in the school you're going to so he'll be your tour guide here in Korea and he'll also help you with Korean since you're not fluent yet" Mrs. Lee explained as the two nodded

"now you two go catch up in your room Felix" Mrs. Lee commanded. The two boys ran up to Felix's room and caught up all night until Chris had to go home. Chris would come to their house and accompany Felix to school in the limo. Felix was really exited his mother gave him his school I.D earlier today, he was going to JYP high. The Aussie boy looked at his I.D and smiled he could barely get any sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry this chapter was shorter than the one before I tried making it at least 750 words long, I just didn't know what to do exactly for this chapter next chapter I promise at least 820 words

Word count: 806 (including A/N)

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