Chapter Seven

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Yeosang's POV

A few hours into our trip we had stopped in a nearby town to get gas for the car. The town was pretty quiet only a few people walking about. San was about to hop into the car, but stopped and looked around. The way he tensed up I knew it wasn't good. I looked behind me to see that Jisoo was sound asleep. "We have company coming". San said as he ducked his head in. I covered Jisoo with my jacket hoping to mask her smell. Hopefully it would avert their attention elsewhere. San glanced her way as he ducked back out. I stepped out of the car praying that this would work. "The cars locked so she should be safe. They're close". San said as I could now smell their scent. San scanned the area the uneasiness rolling off him.

I turned my head towards the right too see Stray Kids coming our way. I looked on confused as there were only eight of them. Where was the ninth member? They stopped a few feet away as Bang Chan stepped forward.

"I alerted Hongjoong that we would be arriving today. We needed to have a meeting with your clan. Nice to see you Yeosang and San". Bang Chan said as he bowed. I looked at each of them noticing their solemn expressions. This can't be good. "What's your meeting about?" I asked breaking the silence. Bang Chan looked at me his lips formed in a tight smile. "One of our members went rogue during a mission. His whereabouts are unknown at this time. We lost communication with him during his mission. The reason why I asked for a meeting was because we need your guys's help. We can't find him alone. That's why I'm asking Hongjoong and you guys to help". Bang Chan announced.

Both San and myself looked at him in disbelief. Woojin wouldn't leave without a word. "What do you mean he's gone rogue?" San asked just as confused as me. Felix stepped forward standing beside their leader.

"We believe that something must of happened to him during a mission. During his mission his communication got cut off which we found odd. It isn't like him to vanish out of thin air. Some of us had also thought that maybe a new clan such as new borns may have attacked him. They are known to be much stronger than we are. That's why we come here to ask you guys to help us. Yunho is your hacker right?" Felix asked as we let what he said soak in.

I nodded. "Yeah, Yunho is our hacker. But what makes you think that a pack of new borns may have attacked him?" I asked worry increasing. Felix sighed looking defeated. "That's just it we don't know. It's not like him to vanish without a trace. We were thinking that maybe Yunho could hack into his communication device and locate his last location. And from there we would work our way towards of finding him. But like we said we need your help". Felix explained.

San glanced between us and Stray Kids letting out a sigh. "The others will be gladly to help in search of Woojin. But as for us we have our duties elsewhere. We'll be glad to lend a hand when we get back though. They are waiting for your arrival". San spoke as calmly as he could. I knew that San was close to Woojin.

"Oh, well I completely understand that you have duties to get to. We won't keep you. We'll keep you both posted with what we find. It was nice chatting. Come on let's go". Bang Chan spoke as they started to leave. We both sighed as we didn't get caught. "Come on we're running behind schedule now". San said as he climbed into the car.

I glanced behind me to see that Jisoo was still asleep. "How does one sleep so much?" I muttered turning in my seat. San turned on the radio and started humming under his breath as a song played softly through the speakers. The song was slow and soothing which relaxed me some but still I was on edge. I looked up towards the sky to notice that the sun was starting to set behind some trees which chilled me to the bone. It was getting close to dusk.

"Don't worry we'll make it. I'll make sure of it". San stepped on the gas lurching the car forward. No matter what I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. "No matter how fast we drive we won't make it in time San. The sun is setting behind the trees. And we still have a two hour drive and the sun goes down in an hour. We're not going to make it". I began to panic as the realization sank in. This wasn't good.

San put a hand on my shoulder in a way of comfort but it only sparked my worry. "I won't let anything happen to you. You'll be safe". San spoke but it did nothing to calm me. I bit my lip looking at the fiery sun setting below the horizon. We're not going to make it.  We're not going to make it. I thought as it replayed in my mind. "Listen to me Yeosang you need to snap out of it. You're safe. The sun is still up". San pointed towards the sinking sun. "It won't be for much longer. San, it's not safe for me you know that". My voice shook as I didn't want to face with what was coming.

Jisoo stirred in her sleep before she sat up. "Are we there yet?" She asked snapping me into reality. San glanced at her a smile coming to his face. "Sleeping beauty is awake. We're almost there. Half hour at the most". San replied as he turned the radio off. The girl hummed in response but quickly started talking.

"I'm sorry for how I reacted earlier. I should have been more considerate since you basically saved my life". Jisoo spoke as she was more awake. "You're fine Jisoo no need to apologize. If I were in your shoes I'd probably act the same". San replied.

I looked out the window to notice that it was completely dark now. Panic set in as I realized what this meant. There was no way out of this.

"We're here". San said as we pulled up into the driveway. The woods surrounded us as the forest was completely dark with the moon peeking through. "San you get her settled in. I'll go in last". I stated. San looked at me with sympathy before looking up towards the night sky. "Okay, I'll make it quick. Jisoo just follow me". San hopped out of the car as did Jisoo. I watched as he helped carried the bags inside before they both disappeared.

I counted in my head until he got back. I was beyond scared of what was going to happen. Just once in my life I want to be normal. I no longer wanted to live in fear. But I was anything but normal.

Suddenly the door opened startling me out of my countdown. San was looking at me rather worriedly. In his hand was an umbrella as he looked down at it. "Thought this might help". He said raising the item up. I inwardly frowned knowing I would break his heart telling him it wouldn't help. I shook my head at him. "It won't help protect me". I wheezed out shattering the saddening truth. San looked at the item then at me. "Sorry I was just trying to help". He apologized his tone more broken than usual. I nodded. "It's okay you tried".

I slipped the hood over my head praying that this time it would be a miracle. I stepped out of the car just as San shut the door behind me. We both made a be-line towards the door as I tried running faster. No more than I had reached ten feet of the house did I start to feel the searing pain radiate throughout my back. I bit back the scream as I crumpled to the ground. The pain was so bad it practically paralyzed me on the spot.

It was happening all over again. . .

That concludes the end of chapter seven of A Different Kind. What was your favorite part? I want to thank everyone who has read this book and supported it. It truly means the world to me. I hope you all are enjoying this book thus far. Another long chapter for you. What do you think will happen next? Any guesses? Tell me in the comments your thoughts. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Don't forget to stay awesome and until next time ✌️

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