Chapter 7-

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...The Last Straw...

Once again, I was startled awake by the sound of my mother screaming.
"Will this never end?" I sighed. It then became clearly evident that I had fallen asleep while unpacking my clothes. Mostly because I was laying on the floor in a cardboard box. I struggled to my feet and ran down the stairs. Once again, my mother was standing on the stairs, looking down at the dining/ living room. I sighed and began to walk down the stairs. I tripped on the second step down and tumbled to the bottom. I looked up and saw, to my horror, that the whole room was covered in cats. There was probably twice as many as before, all of them were laying around the room and chasing each other around. My mother looked at me with a look of horror and took off up the stairs.
"Now I've done it," I grumbled. I got up and made my way to the kitchen to call animal control.
"Franklin Animal control, this is Jimmy," Jimmy answered.
"Hey Jimmy, Delilah Grey again," I said calmly. There was a sigh.
"What is it this time?" Jimmy asked.
"Cats again. We have a new address too." I told jimmy our new address and he told me that he would come as quickly as he could. I waited for animal control to come. I sat down on the dining room table and looked an orange tabby in the eyes.
"I should be mad at you," I said coldly. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to blame the cats for this. I stretched my hand out to rub the orange tabby on the head. The cat hissed and bit my hand. I sat back in my chair and held my hand to my chest.
"Jerk," I said angrily. The orange tabby hissed and stood up, looking like it was preparing to jump on me. I was about to jump out of my chair and run up the stairs when a black and white streak flew onto the table and the orange tabby disappeared. I looked at the other side of the table to see the black and white cat fighting the orange tabby.
"What in the world?" I gasped. The fight ended when the orange tabby ran as fast as it could out the open front door. The black and white cat looked at me. Her eyes seemed to say 'your welcome' in an annoyed tone. I sat back down in the chair and the black and white cat jumped on the table in front of me. I looked at it and sighed.
"If this were a book, it'd be called 'The Adventures of Delilah and a Random Cat that Follows her Around the Neighborhood'." I scoffed. The cat meowed.
"We've really gotten into a mess this time." I sighed. The cat rubbed against my face and began to purr reassuringly. I ran my hand along the cat's back and rubbed behind its ears and head. I began to feel better.


I watched the animal control van pull down the driveway. My mother came downstairs and we began our long day of cleaning. My mother didn't say anything to me all day. The two of us just cleaned in complete silence.
It wasn't until dinner that night that she finally spoke to me. I was tired, and sick with anticipation.
It was so difficult to clean the house. My mother  made me rewash all of the dishes that were left in the strainer overnight. I also had to vacuum every carpeted room with that tiny vacuum cleaner. I was more or less exhausted by dinner time. My mother was completely lost in thought. I could tell by the way she blankly looked at her dinner plate for over ten minutes before breaking free, shoving a forkful of steamed broccoli into her mouth, and looking at the wall on the other side of the room. I think my mother is broken.
"This is going to be difficult for me to explain to you..." I jumped when she began talking. There was a pause. I opened my mouth to say something.
"So I will let your father explain it to you when he sees fit." She said calmly. I didn't know if she was done speaking or not.
"What do you mean? Explain what?" I asked, confused.
"Tomorrow, your father is going to drive down from New York to come get you. You will live with him from now on." She explained. I was at a complete loss for words.
"Wh... What? Why?" I asked frantically. My mother didn't say anything.
"If this is about all of those animals, it wasn't me, mom! You have to believe me. I would never put you in danger like that!" I exclaimed.
"Maybe not intentionally, no." She said calmly. I just looked at her in complete shock. She stood up from the table, grabbed both of our plates, and started for the kitchen.
"Start packing anything you want to take with you." She said calmly. I sat at the dining room table for a few seconds, still trying to process her words.
I never actually thought that she would send me away. I always thought my mother loved me more than that.


I held back as many tears as I could catch as I put the clothes that I had spent all of last night unpacking in the box I woke up in this morning. I picked up a small number of little items that I would want to take with me and put them into a single box.
There was nothing left for me to do. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it read 1:35. There was no way I would be able to sleep tonight. All I could do was lay in my bed and stare at the clock until my mother woke up and made breakfast. I knew with every bone in my body that I would dread every second I spent looking at the clock. My mother was sending me away because of something I didn't even do. I felt betrayed, betrayed b everyone. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the back and left the knife in. Like they had left me to bleed out on the floor until I met my painful death hours later. This was the worst new feeling that I have felt in the past month.

¡Hola lectores! If finally happened, Delilah's mother has given up on Delilah

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¡Hola lectores! If finally happened, Delilah's mother has given up on Delilah. While this was a bit of a short chapter, quite a big development in Delilah's life has happened. Read next week's chapter to figure out what happens when Delilah goes or live with her father.

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