The Vigilante Night Cat

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A young man sits at the bar counter at a nightclub in Hosu he takes sips of his rum and coke as the music blares on in the background take glup after glup of his alcoholic beverage he slams the glass down with a *thud*

"thanks for the drink Charles" the man says getting up and grabbing his book bag "anytime Izuku".

Izuku slings his book bag around his firm body giving the bartender Charles a two finger salute he walks out the club door into the brisk air.

Izuku breathes in then out beginning his trek back to his car 'I'll be fine I only had two drinks I can see in front of me and my words aren't slurred' walking he suddenly hears a "ahhh" then what sounds like metal hit the pavement he dips the man alarmed dips into the alley where the sounds came from.

As Izuku approaches he tip toes towards the sounds location he stops behind a dumpster and sees a woman on the ground a bag over her head with six men towering over the poor girl on of them held her hands behind her back izuku crouched behind the dumpster contemplating what to do 'holy shit this is a gang rape um do something but what there huge and theres six and what if they've got weapons well you can't wait for the police can you do something' "fuck it".

Izuku stands up taking off his satchel he holds it by the handle at the top he runs towards the assailants "yo cue ball over here" "wha" Izuku runs before spinning quickly shot putting his heavy book bag at the thug *pow* it connects with his ugly mug

"who the fuck this guy" "lets just say I'm a concerned citizen" a thug goes for a punch the young man ducks going for a sweep the thugs good and stomps on the kids leg a pained "argh" slips from the mans mouth before getting kick in the temple by another thug soon its a stomp fest as they continously stomp the shit out of the young lad

The kid looks at the bag headed woman 'I'm sorry I couldn't help you, please stay strong as Izuku come to accept his death his gaze looks at the night sky before in the moonlight he sees a black figure it drops into the alley.

"okay who now" a greasy haired thug says "I have many names but you, you can call me your end" the man in black jumps and knees a thug in the nose more than likely breaking it wrapping this weird cloth around another he slides between the legs of the thug pulling his scarf the thug gets pulled to the pavement face first the figure in black jumps catching another goon with a backflipping kick as he lands on his hands he hits a thug behind him in the jaw with a donkey kick still on his hands he moves into pommel horse like spin tossing his legs under him sweeping the remaining three he does a kip up landing on one of the goons heads with his left knee before handstand somersaulting his other knee into the second to last thugs face kipping up on two his feet he wraps the last foe up with his colth.

Leaning Izuku against a wall he moves to the girl unbagging her head and ungagging her "ahhh please don't hurt me I don't have anything" "its alright I'm not gonna hurt you let me untie you" "were you the one who shouted at these a-holes" "highly unlikely I got here two minutes ago I think this was the kid who tried to help you" "this *pant* kid *pant* has a *pant*name you know *pant* "what were you thinking"

"look I thought about it either I was gonna save you or I was gonna die trying stupid yes but it was better then doing nothing and just letting it happen police wouldn't have gotten here in time" "it was reckless and unplanned if you're going to be a hero you better be pepared" "so what your like some sort of vigilante who even are you" "I go by Night Cat".

"Night Cat okay" Izuku says as he begins to stand up "oh argh urgh ugh oof oh I'm gonna be in so much pain tomorrow" "you two should get home, kid can I trust you to get her home" "yeah I got a car I'll get her home" Night nods "are you okay with him taking you home" "well he did try to save me so I guess he's trustworthy alright I'll go".

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