Chapter 12: The Long Sleep

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It happened within seconds.

There wasn't any time for them to react.

As soon as Bishop and my parents had turned the corner, the Sleep Walker pounced upon them like a game of cat and mouse. It was slender with black and white stripes stretching endlessly to the tip of its tail. Six eyes dotted either side of its head, symmetrically, like a horse, and they glinted like they were made of devilish amethyst.

This Sleep Walker was agile and quick-witted, striking quickly and then retreating before Bishop could even point the gun in its direction. Mom collapsed onto the floor, holding the side of her stomach as a crimson stain fused with the threads of her once lively, green shirt.

Drake stooped to soften her fall, catching hold of her arms and letting her down gently. He shook his jacket off and applied it with pressure to the gash.

"The tank." Paula cried out, struggling to compose herself.

Bishop kept his gun aimed out into the hallway, hoping that the Sleep Walker would come back just so he could kill it.

Drake stood there with his eyes shifting from side to side uncertainly. Slowly, his head began to nod. "You're right. Okay. The tank, it is."

"What tank?" Bishop growled, still aiming the gun down the hallway.

"It's the fiberglass tank in the middle of the level." Drake answered, his voice softening as he took in what he said. An awkward smile tugged at the sides of Paula's lips.

"It's the only thing we can do."

"Not like this."

"There's no other way."

"Paula, I can't."

"Yes, you can. Now, help me up." She held her arm out for Drake to take.

He shook his head, ignoring her outreached hand, and scooped her up into his arms. Paula scrunched up her face in defiance to being picked up. She didn't seem to like it at first, but she laid her head against his shoulder and closed her eyes, still clutching her wounded side.

"Let me clear the way about twenty feet and then start following me." Bishop instructed, already about twelve feet out into the hallway. Drake nodded in agreement, waiting for his old friend to make his mark. As he did so, he scooped up Paula's snow globe out of her box that laid on the ground and placed it carefully inside his lab coat pocket.

As soon as Bishop had hit his announced mark, the couple followed behind in suit. Bishop moved as quickly as his diligent cautiousness would allow. Despite moving fast, the group's wariness cost them the nonrenewable commodity of time. Paula's ticking clock was moving faster than it ever seemed.

As they neared the tank, Bishop asked, "What does this tank do?"

Drake and Paula exchanged glances, knowing full well the risk they were about to take.

"It's uhm... a" Drake fumbled around with his words and those that rolled across his tongue seemed lost and void of voice.

"A cryostasis chamber." Paula finished, motioning for Drake to put her down.

"What?" Bishop eyes went wide. Drake and Paula were his friends and he knew the implications of what Paula intended to do. He knew it was dangerous, he knew it could kill her. But he also knew what would happen if she didn't go in that chamber. "I'm sorry it had to come to this."

"Drake! I need to get in there now!" Paula suddenly rushed towards the tank, shuffling her feet as she struggled to move.

"Did something happen?" Drake asked, moving urgently to match her speed.

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