Chapter 2

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"Liam! Have you found a job yet baby?" Louis asks his Younger husband while putting Niall's onesie over the smalll boy's head. "Of course and I've got to be there in precisely 23 minutes." Liam says pulling on his white button up shirt and throwing over a vest. "Where are you working? ZAYN WAKE HARRY UP PLESE!" Louis yells picking up Niall.

"Umm... This resturant in DownTown? Julie's?" "Oh I lOVE that place! They have hot waitors-" Liam jerks back facing Louis glaring at him. "Wait?!" "Oh nothing babe.." Louis mumbles. "just remember Mr. Paylinson... You're happily married to a man who can kick your-" Liam paused to cover Niall's tiny ears. "ass anytime anyday.." Louis smiles at his over-protective husband. "Love you?" Louis asks smiling for forgivness. "Nope. HAROLD EDWARD! WHERE ARE YOU PAPA HAS TO TAKE YOU TO SCHOOL!" "umm... Li.. Harrry doesn't have school on Tuesdays..." "Fuck.."Liam whispers.NEVER MIND!"

the pair walk down the stairs, Louis holding a sleeping Niall, and see Zayn and Harry sitting down with bowls of cereal out. All the seats had bowls of Cheerios and milk in them. A napkin and spoon (Except for LIam he had a fork because of his strange fear of spoons) rested beside them. "Zee? HAz? What's this for?" Louis asks slowly.

"We mwade it swo Daddy doesn't go no where. We want you to stway!" Harry says running up to Liam and grabbing his leg. Liam picked the curly haired boy up and saw tears brimming the small boys eyes. "Why HAzzy? dady woill be back in a few hours. If your good for Papa I'll let you and Zee stay up late. How's that sound?" Harry's eyes lite up and nodded before trying to scramble out of his father's arms and ran to the table.

"Does NiNi want any Cheerios?" Louis coos setting the youngest on his highchair. Liam looks at his watch briefly and sees he has 19 minutes to get to work and decides to go in a little early. "ye boys." he places a kiss on Niall, zayn and Harry's Heads. Louis is scowling at Niall who Liam knows HATES Cheerios.But being Liam he doesn't tell Louis.

"Bye! Have a good day LiLi!" Louis says while his lover walks out of the door.

Liam makes his way down the street towards the parking garage where his car is located.

"Morning Liam! Where are the kids? I didn't think Harry not Zayn have school today?" The gatekeeper, Paul, who was a very close friend asked. "I'm on my way to work Paul. Don't you think I can work? I mean Louis isn't the only one right?" Liam rants pulling his keys out of the pocket of his black coat.

"Well...." Liam huffed. "Why doesn't anyone thing I can do this?! Even my own husband thinks I'm a failure!" Liam says tears running down his face. Paul walks out and around to where Liam is and pulls him in a small hug which the Wolverhampton lad returns great fully. "Thanks Paul." He nodded and headed towards his car. Right before he opened the door Paul called out, "And Liam. I do think you can do it.. I just think you will have a bit of a struggle. And I'm sure Louis is the same. Remember you're his husband. He loves you and is probably afraid you'll find someone else at work. Maybe that's the reason he never brought up the subject of you working?" Paul says trying to be as descreet as possible. But Liam knows the two have been talking and Louis told Paul all of that.

"Thanks Pauly. See you later?" Paul nods and lets him out of the garage.

Liam drives down the road and turns into the restaurant with a sign reading: Julie's. Today- NEW MEMBER BE ON BEST BEHAVIOR (That means you Tyler)

He smirked. "I already love this place."

"Sorry sir our restaurant doesn't open for another 20 minutes.' A voice says and Liam turns his head to see a girl with long brown hair put in a pony tail. "Sir?" "Oh sorry I'm Liam.. Liam Paylinson..." "Oh! Hello! I'm Delilah. The hostess. Umm one moment- YO TYLER AND MELISSA! STOP EATING EACH OTHERS FACES OFF AND COME MEET OUR NEW WAITOR!!!! NOW!" Delilah turns back to Liam smiling. "Sorry. Tyler and Mel seem to.. Get along very well." Liam chuckles and sees a girl about Delilah's age and a boy a bit older walking towards him. "Sup? I'm tyler.'' The boy says waving. "And I'm Melissa. Oh are you Liam? Payne?" She questions. "Umm Paylinson. I'm married." He says smiling remembering his husband back at home.

"Sorry. Liam. Your kid... Ummm.... Zac?" "Zayn." "Zayn he goes to school with my little brother- Josh." Liam smiles at the mention of Josh. "Ahh Josh he's such a good kid." Liam responds.

"Yeah haha."Mel laughs "Now lets get on with your duties."

----Back at the house----

"Niall just eat the Damn cereal!" Louis says trying once again to feed the toddler Cheerios. "Papa..." Harry says tugging Louis's sleeve.

"Yes Haz?" "NiNi doesn't like Cherrios.." Louis looks at the middle child and says, ''What?" "Daddy knows NiNi never eats Cheerios. Didn't he tell you?" Louis shakes his head. "That little bastard!" Louis says before realizing both Harry and Niall were in the room.

"Daddy's a bastard!" Harry singsongs. "No Harry. Don't say that!" Louis say stressing out already and it's only been 35 minutes since Liam left. "ZAYNIE DADDY'S A BASTARD!!!" Harry yells running away from his Papa trying to grab him and stop him from saying them profanity.

"HAROLD. What if Daddy heard that would he be happy?" The boy shakes his head and bows it shamefully. "Sworry Papa.'' Louis presses a kiss on his curly haired head. "how about we lay down for a bit?" Harry nods and Louis calls his oldest son down stairs.

Louis puts in a movie (Lion King) he places Niall on his lap and the boy leans to his chest before quickly falling asleep. Harryw as on his left side leaning against the oldest mans shoulder and Zayn leaning in his right. Louis wraps his arms protectively over his children and salient drifts off to sleep.

-----hours later-------

Liam arrived home to see his 4 favorite people all snuggled on the couch. He pressed kissed on each of there heads without waking them until he kissed Louis who stirred slightly. ''Go back to sleep LouLou." Louis just moans in response and that's exactly how each day goes (except Louis learned to give Niall Coco Puffs an they woke up for lunch) the next week

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