Chapter 3

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"Hiya Sexxyy." One of Liam's co-workers, Toby, purrs into the older mans ear. "Toby. Stop. I'm married. Besides your like 17." "18 so it's legal. And your husband doesn't have to know. C'mon." He wraps his arms around Liam's waist. "Toby. Please stop." "Why LiLi? Scared? Hmm?," Toby runs his left hand across Liam's left cheek. "I know someone who can help you."

Today was the day that only Toby and Liam were in the shop because Tyler and Melissa didn't work on Fridays and Delilah was in her 1 hour break.

"Toby. Please." Liam pleaded as the young teen ripped off his shirt splitting it in two. "What's wrong LiLi?" Tears were streaming down Liam's face and Toby, being much stronger and probably had been planning this for weeks, grabbed a rope and tied Liam's hands together and to a pole.

"LiLi. Shh calm down love." Toby ripped off Liam's trousers and grinned when he saw the powerless boy below him crying. "What's wrong LiLi?"

"PLEASE TOBY!" One more plea comes from Liam's lips before something is being shiver up his arsehole.

"OOOOWWWWWWW!" He yells out in pain. He opens his eyes and sees Toby thrusting in and out of him.

"Toby! Please stop ooooowwwwwwee." Liam cries as the teen slides his cock out of Liam. "Fine." Toby pulls something out of a drawer and the room fills with a. Vibrating noise. When he turns around Liam sees a huge pink vibrator and a cock ring.

"Your going to suffer little bitch." Are the last words Liam hears before blacking out from the intense pain of the vibrator.

---------------back at home-------------

Louis and the kids had been waiting hours for Liam to come home from work. It was 8:46 and Niall was falling asleep on the table.

"Papa... When is dwaddy getting home?" Harry's voice says trembling. "Soon Hazza. Ill wake you when he comes home ok? Zee take Hazza to bed while I take Nialler to bed." Louis says. Zayn nods and takes his brother to bed while Louis picks up his youngest son.

"Papa." Louis looks down at his blonde child. "I lwove you." He says before snuggling into his blanket. Louis smiles and presses a kiss to his forehead before checking on Zayn and Harry. He steps into Zayns room and sees Zayn'a arms wrapped around Harry's waist. Louis smiles at the boys and shuts off the lights.

When he's back downstairs he calls Liam once more but no answer. "That's strange. Liam always answers his cell!" He thinks to himself.

He dials a number and on te third ring a voice comes up, "Hello Louis? It'a 10 at night. What do you want?!" A familiar voice says. "Hi mum." "What do you need baby?" "Can you come watch the boys for a few hours? Please!" "Why of course ill be there in a few." "Um they'll be in bed I gotta go now let yourself in. Love uou" and Louis didn't even wait to hear his Mum reply before he was pulling our of the driveway.

He tried calling Liam once more but was still sent to the voicemail. "Liam I'm coming. Please be ok!" Louis pleads pulling into his husbands workplace. He pulls on the door and runs in. "LIAM?!" All he hears is a vibrating noise. "LIAM? Babe? Come out!" Louis follows the sound of the vibrating and walks into the back room where his unconscious naked husband lies.

"LIAM?" He calls out once more before seeing his husband. Louis falls to his knees and checks his pulse.


"Good he's still alive." When Louis pulls out the vibrator and off the cock ring he in ties Liam and a ribbon of cum shots across his hand. Liam slowly wakes up and sees Louis. He can feel unconsciousness slowly taking over again but says,

"You win."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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