Extra: The Original Writing

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When I came back to this account in 2020, I created a copy of these chapters in their original writing before editing.

Here is a list of all of the changes that were made to this story:
• The original title of this story was "The Heffleys and a Girl".
• 8 out of 10 chapters had their titles slightly changed.
• Yukiko Arimo's name was "Yukio" before I realized that the name was supposed to be masculine.
• Yukiko was abandoned by her family instead of them being killed in a bus crash.
• I improved Yukiko's Japnese dialogue by using an actual translator.
• Yukiko favorite anime was Sword Art Online instead of Sailor Moon.
• When Yukiko was moved to Greg's room, she slept on a twin-sized bed instead of a futon.
Greg was teaching English to Yukiko instead of a tutor.

#anime #diaryofawimpykid #gregoryheffley #mannyheffley #rodrickheffley

A six year old girl is wandering on Surrey Street. She was abandoned by her family and now is going door to door asking if they could take her in. She only speaks japanese so most people denied her request. The girl walks to the Heffleys' house. Will they take her in?

Main Characters in Story: Manny Heffley, Gregory Heffley, Rodrick Heffley, Susan Heffley, Frank Heffley, Rowley Jefferson, Mr. Jefferson, and Yukio Arimo (The japanese girl.)

Chapter One: The Japanese Girl [May 23,2016]
The girl's name is Yukio Arimo. For some reason, her family abandoned her. Now she wants someone to take her in. She walks to Twelve Surrey Street where the Heffleys lived. Yukio rings the door bell. Frank opens up the door.
"Hello." He said. Yukio says: "Conichiwa, kirin Yukio. Ki meikari katukatotemotokutu tufu rifu luarinkitafu. Notakukariku rikutano rika."
Translation: "Hello, I'm Yukio. I was abandoned by my family. Please help me." Frank couldn't understand any of that, he shut the door. Yukio just stood there.
She was tired of walking. Frank told everyone that there was a japanese girl outside the door. Fortunately, Greg was learning japanese already. So he opened up the door to talk to Yukio. Greg translated what she said.
Everyone agreed to take her in as long as Greg would translate. "Her name is Yukio Arimo." Greg said.

Chapter Two: Day Two [Apr 16, 2016]
        It was day two of Yukio's new home. She slept on the sofa on her first night. She will continue to do that until Susan and Frank get her own bedroom. However, Rodrick had a problem with Yukio sleeping on the sofa. Rodrick liked to sleep on the sofa when Frank wakes him up from the basement.
         This was simular to when Uncle Gary was staying. Rodrick decided to sleep on another part of the sofa. When Yukio woke up, she was startled. She said: "Fumodo arimikashikate rika." Translation: "You scared me."
          Rodrick woke up. He hopped off the sofa. It was Saturday. Susan was preparing breakfast. Greg came in just as Yukio and Rodrick were walking in.
        Greg said: "Jimote rimoshitokitoji Yukio." Translation: "Good morning Yukio." Yukio said it too, but to Greg. Manny was already in the kitchen along with the pet pig. Frank walked in too.
         There was almost enough chairs for everyone. Since Yukio was new, Frank asked Rodrick to go down to the basement and get an extra chair. Rodrick offered Yukio to come along with him so she could explore a little more. Greg told Yukio in japanese what Rodrick was saying. Yukio followed Rodrick downstairs.
          Rodrick got a chair for Yukio. Rodrick actually wasn't always very nice. While Yukio was looking around, Rodrick wanted to do a trick on her. Without Yukio looking, Rodrick walked upstairs and locked the basement door. Yukio was alone in the dark basement. She ran upstairs and pounded on the door.
        She screamed: "RIKUTANO!!!!" Translation: "HELP!!!" Everyone heard the pounding and the yelling. Susan said: "Rodrick, did you lock her in the basement?" Rodrick said: "I was only playing a trick on her."
        Frank said: "Rodrick, go unlock the door and apologize." Rodrick asked how to say sorry in japanese. Greg said: "It's Gomenesai." Rodrick unlocked the basement door. He said: "Gomenesai."
         Yukio walked quickly past Rodrick to the kitchen. She was traumatized.

Diary of a Japanese Girl: Life with the HeffleysWhere stories live. Discover now