1 | Flu | ~ E.D

315 6 2

-imagine you and your husband got a wave of flu with you and your kids-

Kids names and ages

Caiden: 9
Finn: 9
Rylee: 6
Vivian: 3

~~~Your POV~~~

I walked into the house with groceries in my hand and Vivian following behind me.

"Vivi can you put the bag on the counter for mommy?" I asked the three year old.

"You're home." I heard Ethan said smiling.

"Yep and we got pancake mix!" I said as Ethan smiled widely.

"Daddy we got apples!" Vivi yelled excitedly.

"Yay!" Ethan said picking her up and spinning her around.

"Are the kids taking the bus today?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah they are." I replied continuing to put the groceries away.

Ethan our Vivi down and helped me put all the things away. After about 30 minutes the kids came in the house.

"Mom dad!" Rylee yelled running over to us.

"Hey baby!" Ethan said picking her up and kissing her cheek.

"Dad, Julia (Grayson's daughter) went home early cause she got sick." Caiden said putting his backpack down.

"Really is she okay?" Ethan asked as Rylee ran over and hugged me.

"She threw up in the middle of class." Finn added.

"Aww poor kid." He said.

"Okay so that means you two go upstairs and shower." I said not wanting any sickness in my house.

"But mom I wanted to play outside." Caiden whined.

"Hey what did mommy say?" Ethan asked calmly as the boys walked upstairs to shower.

"I wonder if she's okay?" I asked putting Rylee down and Vivi went to play with her.

"Yeah well the flu has been going around really bad in their school." Ethan said getting things out to make dinner.

"Well we need to make sure we don't get sick." I said because of course my mind goes to the worst case scenario.


"Kids come on dinner is ready!" Ethan called up the stairs as they all came down the stairs and sat at the table.

Everything was normal but I noticed something was off with Finn. He wasn't eating and he looked super pale.

"Finn what's wrong buddy?" I asked worriedly.

"Nothing I'm just not hungry." He said.

"Okay." I replied continuing to eat dinner.

//2 AM//

I woke up to the sound of little steps then the click of the bathroom door lock.

I shook Ethan awake and he was not having it at 2 Am.

"One of the kids are up." I whispered.

I got up then knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hello?" Finn's little voice asked shakily.

"Finn unlock the door buddy." I said as I felt the door knob turn.

"Mommy I don't feel good." He said hugging me.

"It's okay buddy. Did you throw up?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He mumbled.

He was super pale and just didn't look like himself at all! I took him downstairs and sat him on the counter.

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