02 - Alone & Wishing

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Dinner at the Son's

"Oh, you guys hung more photos since the last time I was here!" Momo squealed as she walked into the sunset-bathed family room to take in the far wall adorned with pictures. It was a lovely timeline of the days she missed with Mina. She reviewed it carefully, paying extra attention to the photos from their graduations, their wedding, and Mina's practice opening. She experienced the joy of those moments, taking in their smiles and those of the family and friends. Once again Momo felt tears filling her eyes. When did she become such a softie?

She giggled to herself; whenever Mina was involved it was difficult not to be a bit soft. As she reviewed the celebrations, milestones, and everyday-life pictures, one face appeared repeatedly. She'd noticed her on prior visits but this time she stood out more. Possibly because Momo could more readily recall family members and even a few friends, but couldn't quite place that particular comely face.

"So, you like our memory lane montage?" Mina asked, handing Momo a glass of wine.

"Mi-tan, I love it! And I missed you so much," she said, pulling her friend into a hug.

Mina held Momo back. She missed the connection that tugged at her heart, radiating hope and familiarity; she missed her old friend greatly. Mina could tell a certain sadness was on her. And suddenly, she knew. Yes, it was partially due to her professionally-developed intuition as a psychologist, but it was further mixed with her memories and genuine affection. She knew Momo was lonely.

Mina determined she and Chaeyoung would come up with a plan to connect their friends and leave the rest to fate. She believed they both deserved more. Better lives and maybe, just maybe, introducing them to each other would help with that. She felt the risks were worth the reward of their happiness.

"Hey, Mi-tan; who is she?" Momo asked, pointing to the beautiful brunette who often stood near Chaeyoung in photos. Well, brunette by nature, but it seemed she went through a hairstyle journey of varying lengths and colors.

Mina smiled wide and sipped her wine before answering, "That my dear Momoring is Chaeyoung's version of you. Except fate was much kinder and never separated them, which is surely for the best. I'm not entirely sure they can safely exist without each other."

"When you say safely?"

"I mean for the safety and sanity of the rest of us," Mina giggled.

"Oh God, no! A woman that stunning has Chaeyoung's sense of humor?" Momo winced.

"I can't even pretend to be offended, my wife's humor-"

"Your wife's humor is awesome. !" Chaeyoung spoke up as she entered the room, drinking a beer. "And my hyung is smart, funny, and drop-dead-fucking gorgeous."

Chaeyoung wrapped an arm around Mina's waist and kissed her cheek. She then pointed to the most recent picture where the woman sported long, wavy, brown hair and she and Chaeyoung were similarly dressed in black, pinstripe suits.

"Wait. Hyung?" Momo questioned, confusion registering on her soft features.

"They named themselves No Jam Brothers back in college because of their 'unique' humor."

"I see," Momo grinned.

"That is Yoo Jeongyeon, one of the best humans to ever exist!" Chaeyoung smiled brightly.

"Agreed," Mina said, raising her wine glass to Chaeyoung's beer bottle for an impromptu toast.

"She is my version of you," Chaeyoung said with admiration in her voice.

"Jeongyeon gives Chae the chance to be the little sister for a change. And although my lovely wife will never admit it, she loves being babied by her," Mina giggled as her wife shot daggers her way.

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