Nightmare Pt 2

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As they lay on their side of Emma's bed, neither one of them could fall asleep.

Emma twisted and turned frequently while Julian stayed still, but his eyes still open and staring at the ceiling.

When Emma turned to face him, eyes closed. He took the chance to look at her and drink in her beauty. Even in her sleep, she was as beautiful as a goddess to him. He turned his body to face her and watched her breathe softly. He smiled, everything about Emma made him happy and felt like he was home.

Suddenly, with no warning, Emma's eyes snapped open and caught him red handed.

Embarrassed but unable to hid the fact that he was indeed staring at her, Julian tried to continue looking at her and pretend it was a completely normal thing to do.

Glad that he was in the dark and emma couldn't see his blush, he prayed silently that she would just go back to sleep and forget about it tommorow.

But that didn't happen.

Once again, Emma impulsively reached for his hair.

As she tangled her fingers through his hair, Julian closed his eyes, trying his best to hide his feelings the best he could, trying his best to hide the fact that his whole body was in fact set on fire because of her touch.

Unable to prevent it, a noise, so deep and rough, that julian himself didn't think he was capable of making slipped out of his mouth accidentally.

Emma froze midmotion.

Julian opened his eyes slowly, knowing what he had done, and knowing that he was probably just screwed up their friendship at that exact moment.

Emma looked at him, her mouth parted slightly, looking at his eyes that was holding a look of obvious pain and fear.

'I'm sorry Emma, I..', Julian started rambling, hoping to fix their possibly broken friendship.

Losing every bit of her restraint, Emma couldn't fight it anymore and she rolled on top of him, grabbing both his hands and pinning them to his sides.

Julian was so shocked and he didn't had anytime to process anything before her lips crashed onto his and it felt like stars finally aligned.

Well this is kinda a bad cliffhanger haha I'm thinking whether I should continue with this one shot hmmm..
Oh well enjoy your day guys and do leave a like if u enjoyed this!!


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