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Ser Davos called us for a meeting something happened. I enter the room with Dany and I see Ser Davos,Grey Worm who was master of War , Edmurd Tully who accepted the role of Master of Coins , Yara Greyjoy master of ships and Edmurd Martell who were given a role in small council. Me and Dany sit in front of Each other and the others in the sides of the table. "Ser Davos what is it?" I ask him .
"Your grace I have terrible news apparently Slavery had return in the free cities of Essos ".
I look at Daenerys who was in shock by the news "What about the second sons I left them there to make sure slavery never returns " . Daenerys said with an angry voice. " I don't know why they return it but perhaps they need to be reminded who is in charge there". What's happening here I know Ser Davos very well and I know he was always uncomfortable about burning people. He must know something about it . "What are you suggesting my lord hand?" I ask him. "Our queen was the queen of Meereen if she goes there she will remind everyone who she is" he said with a smile.
"NO" I shout and everyone is surprised even Dany. "Everyone out expect the queen " Everyone looks confused but they get out.
After everyone left I go to Daenerys to talk with quiet voice. "He knows something. First thing he wanted was to split us from each other " I told her . " I know I noticed that what do you think?". "Tell Grey Worm to follow him everywhere and listen to every word and every letter he wants to send should be brought to us". Daenerys nods but there's clearly something wrong with her. I get closer "what is it my love?" .
"I free the slaves to never return in chains . I think Second Sons I left there has something to do with it". She goes close to the window to look outside. "I think we should go to Meereen and check what's happening there". I agree but who will be left here. "What about Westeros?" .
"From our council I only trust Yara and Grey Worm we will leave them in charge and not Ser Davos" . I nod and go out of the room.

Ser Davos
They orders to leave . They must have doubts about us but they don't know who and even if they do is too late. I already send letters to Dorne, Golden Company and Second Sons in the name of the queen. Will take time but Golden Company will be able to destroy them.
I see Lord Martell walking . "Lord Martell" He turns at me . "What is it my lord hand?" .
"Can we talk in private?" He nods and start going to my chamber. I get inside with him and I shut the door. "What is it ?" . I sit and I offer him a sit. "Has your sister read my letter ?" .
"I don't know if we should help you they have dragons ". I look at him and I understand he's scared. "Look did you see what they did to Kings Landing. They won't stop but we can do it only together I have already told my plan to your sister". He gets up and fill a glass with wine and sit again. "I'm listening ".
"I send letters to Golden Company to gather their armies against the Targeryan in return Slavery will return in Essos . They would never say no to amount of gold they would get and I send a letter to Second Sons to return the slavery in Queens Name. The queen will go to Essos to end the slavery that's when Golden Company will attack her and kill her with her dragon after she's dead Jon will be easy to deal with ". Edmurd doesn't respond instead he just drinks the wine "I will think about it" I'm relieved by his words "that's all I ask" . He gets up and goes to the door and opens it when 10 unsullied are waiting with their weapons raised. I get up "what's the meaning of this ?" I yell at them. I see Grey Worm coming "lord hand and Edmurd Martell you're accused for treason to the crown and will be put in cell until the trial ". I don't do anything and just lets them to chain us.

I get out of the room with Jon and Grey Worm was waiting outside for us. "What is the problem ?" He asked . "Listen Find Ser Davos and listen to every word he's saying and if you hears that he's betraying us arrest him. He nods and goes away.
Me and Jon enters our chamber. I look at the dragon eggs . I really want them to hatch as soon as possible. Jon goes to the eggs and takes the red egg in his hand. "How did they hatch last time?" He asks. "I told you I burned the witch and my husband and the eggs were in the fire. I think her life should be sacrificed for my eggs to hatch . "With Fire and Blood . I think that's the only way to make the eggs hatch". He said and I didn't really know what to say. I get closer to him "maybe you're right but does that mean we need to burn someone alive to make them hatch". Jon nods .
"the north now belongs to Yara because she bend the knee do you think she will be able to rule it well" he said not looking at me. I knew he was still hurt for what happened to Arya and Sansa and I can't blame him . They were his family and they betrayed us. But I'm pregnant and soon We will have a son or daughter and make a family together but I'm sure we are already a family. "I saw a dragon dream last night" He said and I didn't understand what he meant. "What's that?" I ask curious.
"I saw myself in Rheagal body I wrag into him I did something like this with Ghost when I was at the wall". I smile at him and I feel proud his bond with Rheagal is very strong. Is after his father after all. I put my hand on his cheek and I kiss him . My tongue enters his mouth to taste and his hands start touching my breasts and my butt. I love his touch but then someone knocks in the door and I break the kiss. I see his disappointed face and so was I . This better be something urgent I thought to myself. I go to the door and opens it and is Grey Worm. "We arrested Ser Davos and Edmurd Martell ".
We knew Ser Davos was up to something . "We are coming bring Ser Davos in the throne room but not Lord Martell" I told him and he bows and left. I look at Jon and he looks at me and I know he's thinking the same thing as me "I think we found who to burn" he said and I was thinking the same thing.

Check out my new Story "Targeryan Madness " and let me know in the comments what do you think about this chapter.

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