The beginning of the end

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My mother always told me a certain story when I was little. We were camped at our favorite spot, near the fire that my mother had ignited. She held a lamp whose luminous light reflected her soft facial features and gave me a kind of warmth inside. I was only eight and I was incapable of dissembling. I watched the hot flames rise to the space and suck our marshmallows. I listened as the wind carried my mother's smooth voice and wrapped it around me. It was supposed to be my comfort but surprisingly, it gave me the chills. As long as she was still narrating the story, it was still so scary, overtaking every nerve of my body with unfathomable fear.

"Mady honey, do you know what the supernaturals do? They protect us. They kill the big bad iguanodon."
I'd nod somberly, and give her the grin I had mastered over time, to avoid further confrontation. It was supposed to be an illusion, but it felt so real. It was supposed to teach me something, but it illuminated the connotations of real life- something deadly, so to speak.

"What they just need to do is control themselves, we all have to control our emotions because if we act on impulse sometimes, either anger or happiness, we could end up making rush and uncalculated decisions. Extreme emotions take away our ability to reason. Do you get it mady?

"Yes mum" I'd say, my voice dropping to a whisper as the shovels of the earth came down on the shroud to prevent my tears. I knew what they did, the supernaturals. I always woke up with a  conniption because of the nightmares it always gave me.
I had heard the story for the umpteenth time till it sounded like a broken record to me. Even when I got scolded I still heard it.
'Control yourself Madison!'

Until today, I'm twenty five but I still don't perceive it. It still gives me the chills and anxiety. As I face my mother this morning, I know I need to understand it. Her eyes soften considerably as she gives me a consesual look.
"Come with me honey." She leads the way outside the house, to our camping spot, which despite the fear, gives me nostalgia. We sit at our positions, facing the spring that flows through the woods nearby.

"Mady honey, this is a big world with many people who have different abilities." Her voice rises considerably and it's so stern, she doesn't give me her usual smile which vividly tells me that it's happening. She's solving my mystery today.
"When you were born, I took you away from home. I wanted to give you a normal life. Away from those people. I thought I you were going to be different. yet, I was not oblivious to the fact that one day, one fateful day, you were going to find out who you really are. Something I have done my best to hide from you." Tears of pain, furry and regrets trickle down her still and unblinking eyes.

"you are old enough Mady. Tell me what is going on with you. Do not dissimulate, I'll know." She gives me a look that warns me against lying.
How can she ask this of me.
It is mortifying to even think about it.

I feel the furious tears at the corners of my eyes well up but I stop them by taking shallow breaths.
My mother takes me into her arms as if she notices I'm about to break. I've kept it a secret all my life because I'm afraid they'll call me a freak, or a witch. But here I am, about to spil it out to the person I trust the most. I launch at her with a furious, yet painful cry and she catches me with a slow movement.
Her amber eyes soften ever so lightly in the morning light. She briefly looks at me then tucks a lose strand of hair behind my ear. "Let it out honey, I'm here for you." She says, her voice steadier now.
"Come, I'll show you." I beckon her to stand up, feeling her warmth leave me the moment I do that. She straightens her dress and follows me.

We walk to the spring besides our little camp. Where during the summer, my friend cash and I could spend hours playing with the water and watching the current move by and fish move along with it. It used to be our favorite spot.
We used to be completely ignoramus to the fact that the waves that we saw during those times must have been a result of something big.

We sit at the edge, legs swinging in water, the morning bright sunlight swallowing everything it touches, covering the spring in it's shroud. Butterflies move above the water's surface and as I look into the sunlight, I swear I can see things moving within. I can feel the air around me and the beautiful songs of the birds.
"It's a beautiful morning. Reminds me of when you were young." My mother says, disturbing the silence and the quite meditation I've been having.

"Has it ever occured to you that maybe the world has given you a greater gift than you could ever imagine? Ever thought that you can move objects with your mind?"  She says in her elderly wisdom but I know exactly where she is aiming at.  So all this time she knew I had this powers in me.
Then it comes ringing in my head again.
"Control yourself Mady.'

Just that word sums it all up. She knew.
Of course she knew. That's why she always asked me to have control- over my emotions, my powers.

"Show me honey. You just need to think about it and it becomes a reality. Focus and you can cause motion in any inanimate object you want to." My mother says soothingly.

I close my eyes and focus on it, the water. I begin creating strong enough vibrations in my thoughts to move the water. Opening my eyes, I see it. One vibration is strong enough to cause waves.
It surely moves in culculated circles, forming waves. It's so scary but at the same time exciting. How did I come to possess such powers in me. However, it's not just that. At my second grade I realized I could teleport. Yeah, I can teleport too. Which brings me back to my initial thought, what I'm I really.

What's happening to me is not just my ideate, there must be something big behind it. A mystery that I need to figure out. Just like a maze. No matter how much I think about it, the answers are burried somewhere deep that's beyond my reach. It's a puzzle I cannot fully uncover without my mother's help. Yet, I've always kept her, just like everyone else in the dark.

I look at my mother hopefully for answers.
However, I get none. Disbelief is written all over her face. All I can make out are the few words she manages to say in  between her sobs.

"Go and pack up your things. We are going back home tomorrow. "

Well, I fathom that this must be the beginning of the end for me.

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