encounter with the realest

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It's been a week since the murder happened and I haven't slept at all ever since. How could I sleep though. Not after his body was rolled out on a stretcher covered by a grey plastic sheet. I can still see his silhouette, I can still hear him calling me to help him. I can still see a body lying in a pool of blood, that will never move or breath again. This memory is so imprinted inside my eyelids so that even when I blink, I still see him. Sometimes I wish it could be burried into my subconscious mind but that takes time. The wound is still so fresh.

All thanks to Anjali I have slowly overcome the fear and as we run through the main canal, I can feel the relative quite of the sorounding countryside sooth my ears as the gentle lap of the canal water against its confines of black stone.
I admire the delphinium plants lining the cobbled walkways on either side of the canal. The cobblestones however, bring back the memories I'm trying to avoid, like shadows slowly crawling across the floor, reaching for me, and calling my name in the twilight.

"Mady, did you even sleep last night?" Anjali asks as we start walking sluggishly. Her eyes watch me like a hawk. With pin point accuracy.

"Not really." I reply, matter of factly. "Couldn't sleep." However, what I really want to say is that each time I close my eyes makes those drastic images come back.
She looks at me, eyes blank. "I hope you're not blaming yourself for what happened."
"I'm not." I say. "I just can't stop-"
"-and I'm going to stop you right there. Seriously Mady, it's not your fault. I know you didn't do it." I stare at her, dumbfounded, she just laughs while shaking her head.

"Don't look at me that way!" She says
"I mean, don't you remember he knocked on your door? What would happen if you opened it right there and then. What do you think he could have done to you."
"I know, but-"
"-no buts. Don't give me that." Anjali steers me towards the army barracks.
"Seriously though, you can't let this ruin your life. That man was dangerous, he doesn't even have a family. And anyway, I want to show you something." She says as we head deeper into the barracks.
The barracks is an extensive land given to the army. The walkway has white cobblestones while the buildings are tall and tight. Bare wood and stone are rare. The men here are quite big, that's because of the training they go through. All of then have large muscles, matching swords and daggers strapped to their hips.
I make sure to stay out of their way because I like to think of myself as cautious when necessary. I have never been to the barracks before but from what I've heard, the men here are enamoured by the idea of subduing a strong woman into a moaning damsel. It's ironic when you think about it. Their job is to protect, not to torture.

We pass through a room that's crowded with armed mercenaries on their respective posts. The only sound is that of glasses clinking, cards shuffling and men's convo that blends into a single undulating hum.

As we keep going, we get into pitch black alleys. The place seems like it's been abandoned for years. My legs are composing an enticing manfesto concerning the virtue of mobility. I just hope we will be safe here, wherever Anjali is taking me. There is a door at the corner of the alley and as she opens it, rusted hinges creak in protest.
Everything changes at the other side of the door. The air is fresh and a breeze softly plays with the back of my neck. There are thick canopy trees and a lake . We stroll along the twisting paths hidden beneath the canopy trees in silence. The grass below feels smooth against out feet and the shards of sunlight illuminating our trail. Every now and then we find a landmark and the a clearing next to a lake.

"This place is beautiful. I can't believe you didn't bring me here earlier." I say while pouting.
"This is my chilling spot. And from today, it's ours." She says as she embraces me.  We sit on the grass near the bank and watch as water shimmers against the sunlight. If I close my eyes, I can imagine being in Forth Worth with Cash, watching waves move by but then I shake my head and open my eyes, It's all gone and I don't want to go back.
All I want to do is live this moment as I listen to Anjali's tales. We sit there, then lie down on our backs as we watch the clouds move by over the sun. Amidst the peaceful silence and meditation, a breaking twig interrupts us. We look up only for my eyes to meet with those of the most handsome man I have ever seen. He smiles at Anjali then says, "Old habits die hard." He chuckles then moves closer to us.
His tall lanky figure stands at 6'0, his brown skin looks as smooth as honey. Even I have to force myself not to stare at him dumbfounded. He has juicy plump lips and curly hair. His eyes are sapphire and he is still very advantageously muscular.

Anjali responds to his arrival immediately as if she already knew he was coming. "Nice that you are here, Malibu!" Then she turns to me and says: "I want you to meet my friend Malibu Ousa." My eyes are fixed at his attractive appearance. Polite introductions are shared of course.

When I look at Anjali, a seductive smile spreads across her face: "Malibu, I am pleased to meet you again. It's been long since we met."
He acknowledges that then looks at me again, and it's clear that the look means more than just a nice encounter between strangers. He feels the attraction too. Fate has kindly decided to throw love on my path.

"I thought I'd find you here Anjali. I saw the two of you and decided to follow you here. He says to Anjali then turns to me. "Mady, do you like this place?"

"Yeah I kinda like this place." He gives me a knowing grin. "We should come here oftenly. Have a picnic or something. What do you say Anjali?"

Anjali sits up, looking at me and Malibu apprehensively then she says.
"That's a great idea. So here's the thing. I love swimming. I can hear the lake calling my name. Do you guys want to go in with me?"

As a matter of fact, it's so chilly out here today. The aspect of getting in water therefore isn't too enticing.
Swimming also reminds me of Forth Worth and Cash, I don't want to go back to those memories again. It always takes alot of courage and strength to not break down.
Malibu wrinkles his nose. "You're not serious," he says. "The weather is bad. What if you get sick?"
A concerned expression veils his eyes.
Anjali looks at him, brows furrowed in a -are you serious- kind of way.
"Malibu, I'm not a kid anymore. I can't get sick." Affronted, Malibu lets her do it.
We look at her as she stands up. Ties her locks in a ponytail and dives into the water. A few drops splash on my hands causing goosebumps.

I take a deep breath, smile then say
"Well, that just happened."
"Yeah." He responds, then follows silence.
I look at him and find him staring at me. Looking into his sapphire eyes, I get lost in them. The silence is not an awkward one. It's consensual. I am not an aficionado of romance for nothing, because right now, I can feel the energy. The feeling is mutual between us. A shout and splash of water from the lake draws us out if the trance.

We look up only to find Anjali staring at us while grinning knowingly. "I think we should go home Mady."
"Yeah, we should go." I reply.

"I'll head back to the barracks too. It was nice to see you ladies." He says then hurries away, leaving us

"Someone's falling real hard." She says jokingly. If only she knew how I feel about this stranger. It's more than just that. Even as we head back home, despite the agony of death dancing through my thoughts, another sensation slowly emerges to dominate all the others- Malibu.
Without wasting another futile thought on what lay behind, I keep going thanking whatever gods were listening in this parts of the world for a blessing.

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