HOPE nagito x reader

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I lay on the warm sand that evenly spreaded out around my body.

"Hm uh" my voice slowly whispered as my eyes begun to flicker open a tall shadow stood in front of me. "Oh your awake!" It sounded like a male who seemed quiet happy. A hand appeared in front of me I was hesitant but after a good ten seconds of thinking I took it when I got up I tried desperately to regain my balance but failed which caused me to fall and hit the sand once again "oww" I said quietly rubbing my back "miss.... are you ok" the tall male said I got a good look at him there his hair was a beautiful cream colour "y/n l/n and yeah I'm alright just hurt my back a bit" I gave him a weak smile "well it's nice to meet you y/n I'm Nagito Komaeda" his smile looked so pure he quickly kneeled down beside me he put my arm over his Shoulder and griped my waist and slowly Stood up a light blush brushed across my face.

I relied on nagito until a black and white bear popped out of nowhere and said we had to kill... that's where I collapsed onto my knees I didn't cry I didn't shout I just sat there my eyes open wide and on my face was fear like I just saw something tramatic eventually everyone left except me nobody seemed to notice "I-I-I b-bet if I d-died right now n-nobody would n-notice h-heh" my voice trembling with each word as a weak sympathetic smile smeared across my pale face. "Hehehehehe" my laugh was well sorta insane some would say "...I would you know I walked you all the way here" I Recognised that voice the only voice I herd all day I slowly moved my head round to look and the White haired boy. And that's where our friendship began.

There came bursting through the door kazuichi his mouth was moving but everything seemed like a blur until "yeah don't worry we tied nagito up!" What he just said ringed in my ears "where is he" I heard akane say wile stuffing food into her face "in that abandoned place so he can't kill anyone" that's when I grabbed a bagel and fruit and rushed over to the place he was kept I could tell they where confused when I rushed out like that just as I was about to go in the pink and white bunny stopped me "no no no you can't go in there it's dangerous" her high voice gave me a headache it wasn't that hard to get past her I just pushed her slightly and she tumbled over and hit the ground as I went through the rooms I finally found the right one there sat my best friend nagito he had bags under his eyes and he looked paler than usual when I saw how dead he looked I scrambled over to him "nagito! Are you alright!" I was deeply concerned for him "oh! Y/n why are you here" he looked down like he was disappointed in himself or something "to give you food silly! You don't look so good" when I said that he laughed "what do you expect from trash like me" he chuckled afterwards "nagito! What have I told you your not trash!" I gave him a hug I could tell he tried to return it but couldn't "that's a surprise your not scared of me" his face became dead serious "you really think I'd think that no way! your my everything" i whispered the last part so hopefully he couldn't hear it "your my everything too you know" he laughed at that moment I knew my face was as red as a tomato "hm flustered heh" he laughed not his insane one but his honest one. "I know Iv only known u for a couple days but I really like you nagito" I said trying to sound confident but failed miserably "you are my one and only HOPE right now nagito" I said laughing at my own joke but I was cut off in the middle of me laughing by something warm touching my lips the in front of me nagito kissing me as he grabbed on to my waist.

Ok ok ok this was really cringe I just know it is. Oh and can people please leave suggestions in the comments please good bai I'm gonna play mystic messenger now

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