Chapter Three: The Big Three

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Alien queen: Holy shit.

pikachu: what

Alien Queen: So me and Bakugo were looking for Sero and guess what.

pikachu: What

Alien Queen: He was in the forest with Tokage and they were dripping in sweat

Tape boi: Get your mind out of the gutter Mina

Tape boi: Me and Tokage were racing with our quirks

Tape boi: I lost


pikachu: The new name is much better Sero

Tape boi: Thank you

Depressed Caterpillar: Hello everyone I have invited three people to the chat. I hope that they will take care of this chat better then all of you have

Tamaki: hEllO

Crimson Riot Jr. : I didn't know you were a memer Tamaki

Mirio: No he is just petrified and didn't type the message correctly

Smol Might: Mirio!

Mirio: Izuku!

Nejire: Hello everyone!


FREEZE! DON'T SKIP THIS! Hey. So a problem I have is that I have been on break for this story for a while and I have kind of fallen out of the whole "Seromina". I don't want to disappoint the people who are reading this for seromina so I am casting a little poll here. In the comments comment which of these three you want to ship. Also the Sero ship I am into now is SeroTokage so that is an option. Here are the three options: SeroMina, SeroTokage, Mina/Sero/Tokage. Choose of those three and then comment in the comments what you want. If it is Sero/Tokage then SeroMina will be the brotp, if it is SeroMina then SeroTokage will be the brotp. If its is Mina/Sero/Tokage then yeah. Okay that is all! Enjoy! Also this will be one of my main fics from now on.

Mirio: Wow! I haven't really seen you since after the school festival Midoriya! 

Mirio: Also whoever chose Aizawa's name get's my respect!

pikachu: And you have mine for being cultured

Mirio: *High fives the memer*

pikachu: That is one of the nicest thing's I have ever heard.

pikachu has changed Mirio's name to, Land Shark

pikachu has changed Tamaki's name to, The Child Of Fatgum

pikachu: You guys know the whole Overhaul thing was broadcasted only to U.A.

Smol Might: Now you tell us?

Land Shark: Tamaki is saying that he doesn't deserve such a title

The Child Of Fatgum: I really don't

Crimson Riot Jr.: Sure ya do!

Land Shark has changed Nejire's name to, The OG floaty girl

Depressed Caterpillar: Now the authors going to be too lazy to finish the rest of this plot. See you all next time! next chapter will be out soon!

pikachu: The what

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