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The clock on the wall shows the time. It's barely 8:25 in the morning and Donghae only has less than 16 hours before his time runs out. Luckily for today he has no schedule; not with the group either except from the usual meeting for their next album promotion.

The thoughts of the next album strikes a sad chord in his heart. How is the rest going to promote without him? How is his fans; the ELF will react after the finding out about his death? God, this is too much. So painful and too much but when Donghae thinks about it, maybe this is the best decision so far. At least if he's given less than 24 hours to spend his last time on Earth rather than dying cold on his bathroom's tile last night, the first option is far more better. He could prepare himself well.

Yet the thought of him actually being here temporarily before passing through the next life gives him the chills and an overwhelming anguish. Never Donghae thoughts of the fact he will die so young. He's barely 34 years old and he has so many plans ahead for his future. Super Junior is doing so well despite their long run in the industry, everything is so perfect that he can't possibly see it turns to dust now with another member left—worst, dead. What will the members' reaction be? They all are going to be devastated.

The next album requires all of Donghae's attention since he's in charge of composing and writing half the songs. There's still few they haven't recorded yet and they couldn't possibly finished it all today. I''s impossible when Donghae tries to think of it.

On top of that, he hasn't even gotten married yet. He keeps telling his fans and public for so many times he will get married when he's 33 but now he's dead on 34? What an absurdity.

Marriage. Only one comes into his mind and that exact person is apparently calling him right now. He watches the screen displaying the name in bold white color with the person's picture in the background smiling brightly showing his pink perfect gummy. Donghae doesn't know where does this foreign sadness comes from when he has always been elated to receive a call from him.

Sliding his thumb on the screen, he put the phone close to his right ear. "Hey."

"Morning Hae.~~" Hyukjae's husky voice booming through his ear sending warm sensation spreading over Donghae's chest. The dull pain at the back of his head slowly subsides.

"Hey Hyukkie." He replies back with small smile lingering on his lips. They have always greeted each other with a morning call everyday without fail and it's Hyukjae's turn for the week. Donghae is glad because after what has happened last night, he couldn't possibly have a heart to call the older up.

"You're awake? Your voice sounds like you're up early." Hyukjae said as Donghae hears small rustle from the phone. Hyukjae must be in the bed right now. The thought of his dear boyfriend still snuggling up in his blanket wearing pajamas make Donghae blushing.

He gets up from the couch heading to the kitchen counter. "Yeah I'm awake a bit early today." More like awake after hours spending time with an angel of death. He takes the water bottle on the table and chugs it down his dry throat. He hears more rustling from the other side of the line. "Are you still in bed?"

"Yeah. It's really hard to leave my warm bed. I'm sleepy.~" Donghae chuckles warmly at the whining his Hyukjae is making.

"Then sleep more. We got no schedules for today."

"Well, I was just thinking of that but...." Donghae waits as Hyukjae puts a pause suddenly. Then a chuckle comes up. "I don't want to sleep alone. Come over now. I want to hug you."

Donghae blushes as another round of laughter erupts, making Hyukjae on the other line laughing as well. He can do just that, coming over to Hyukjae's—not exactly a problem, they know each other's password, throw himself on his bed and cuddle with him to sleep since it's way too early in the morning.

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