Important A/N

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Hello everyone, sorry for not updating for so long! I was thinking about remaking this and my "Dull Colors" story. If you wonder why that is, it's because I improved my writing a bit and now It just makes me feel like I wanna start this again, like.. It really seems rushed and all.

But the more important reason!

I just.. Feel very bad for makin poor lil' UT Chara a bad person. She's just an adorable lil misunderstood bean, just as much as Lusty boi.

Not believing Chara is innocent?

Here's my proof-

So please let me know if you feel alright with me remaking this

Oh and- one last thing- *gives Chara a chocolate bar* here you go you lil bean

Chara: :D *munches on the chocolate* thank you!

You're welcome. UwU

Oh and- I need to decide on this but I can't so I'm asking for help here- please vote-

Should there be a player/anomaly posessing Frisky bits to do all the resets, routes, make our poor Sans and Geno suffer or


The player/anomaly shouldn't exist and it would be all Frisk who does those things on her own because of curiousity?

Please let me know!

Thank you! For totally wasting time on this piece of garbage!

Have a nice day and stay healthy

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