Chapter II: Heat of the Moment

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Hold on! I yelled over the storm. I gripped Aelyns paw as tight as I could, but the pouring rain was making it very hard to hold on. Just let me go! Save yourself! she screamed at me. She was dangling off the edge of a cliff, a river rushing far below. Never! I will never let you go! I yelled back. I heard a bone-chilling howl echo from the forest behind us before lightning flashed, and the world went white.

. . .

I jolted awake and gasped for air. I clutched my chest over my racing heart as I tried to steady my ragged and rapid breathing. I closed my eyes to try to calm, but all I could see was Aelyns face of terror framed by lightning. The rising sun was peeking through the windows of the cabin and the looped title screen of a movie played on the tv. I rose to my paws and padded over to Aelyns room, knocking softly on the door so that shed only hear me if she was awake. Im up, come on in, she invited. Just hearing her sweet and gentle voice made some of the fear melt. I turned the knob and pushed the door open.

The red-and-black wolfess sat up against the mahogany headboard of her bed, moving a pillow behind her to support her. She mustve just woken up, because she stretched and yawned before patting an empty spot on the bed beside her. I smiled and sat next to her. Though it was nearly invisible on her black-furred cheeks, I noticed a prominent blush. She had been acting a little shy around me ever since she kissed me that night, even though it had been about a week since. I hadnt brought it up either in an attempt to avoid embarrassing her. Then she sniffed the air around me. Whats wrong, K? Nightmares? she asked, concerned. I nodded. I shook my head when she asked me if I wanted to talk about it. She smoothed a few wrinkles out of her oversized black hoodie, the same one she had been wearing the night everything changed. I leaned against her gently and closed my eyes, finally calming down.

While Aelyn got more nervous around me after the kiss, I got more protective of her. Being with her sometimes felt like a need, like breathing. I wasnt used to how I was feeling about her, my mind a whirlwind of differing emotions and thoughts every time I saw her. It was usually a mix of how my heart leaped every time she smiled and how I felt that I didnt deserve such a perfect angel. It didnt help that I never took the time to sort through those thoughts. She was my best friend, and I was too scared of the risk to think of the reward.

I know its been about a month, she started, but I was thinking that I could bring you back to the human world so you could clean up any messes caused by your sudden disappearance. My eyes went wide. I hadnt even thought about what state I left things in back...home? It didnt feel right to call it that anymore. Regardless, I could assure the people who knew me that I didnt keel over and maybe grab some of my belongings from my old room. And yet, I didnt feel as if there was anything left for me to go back to. I shook my head. This is my home now, I stated proudly. Besides, I continued, isnt there like a fair or something tonight? She smiled, happy that I remembered. She had been talking about it all day yesterday after she got home from work. Aelyn had a well-paying day job at the nearby public library and had been saving up for the fair for as long as I had been here.

I poked her cheek with my nose, smirking playfully. She squealed at the cold touch and pushed my muzzle away, giggling. I continued to tease her as a distraction so I could reach around her to swipe her current book from her nightstand. I hopped out of the bed, paws landing on the floor with barely a sound. I stopped at the door and held the book out teasingly. You little thief! Give it back, she warned. I stuck out my tongue and bolted out of her bedroom. She chased after me, still in her nightclothes. I knew that I wouldnt be able to outrun her on flat ground, so I placed the hardcover book in my maw and gently bit down to hold it in place so that both of my arms were free. She may have had me outmatched in speed, but I had superior balance and agility. Just as Aelyn caught up and reached for my paw, I leapt across the room, landing gracefully on the sofa and using the bounce to bound over the back to reach the front door. One smooth motion had the door unlocked and open before I had even touched the ground. I closed it behind me to slow her down as I ran for the woods behind the cabin. However, I knew that she was going to come out of the back door. I slowed my pace just a bit. Sure enough, the wolfess burst through the back door and tore across the clearing.

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