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Hello everyone, I apologize for how long it took me to announce the winners of Contest #1: Roller Coaster Twist. 

I received 6 entries, all of which were very good stories. I loved reading all of your stories and please don't stop writing! Because there were 6 entries there will be one winner announced, I will follow that user and post a summary/shoutout on all my current books AND conversation stream. Again, thank you all for participating I enjoyed reading all of your stories and they were all incredibly interesting. 

The Winner Is... 


May Parker: Through Tough Times

Post-Infinity war leaves Tony heartbroken and guilty about Peter Parker's death, but what about the rest of his family?

In this story, May Parker survived the snap and mourns her beloved nephew's death as well as her husband's Ben. A unique and original story about the effects Peter and Ben had on May Parker. 

They also have other Oneshot books including a Peter Parker book and Morgan Stark book. 


I hope everyone is staying healthy!

Keep writing, 


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