I dont know what im doing

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So I have began to notice my mother paying more attention to me which is unusual for her because she is often drunk. It is honestly concerning me,( not the drinking the caring all of a sudden) she hasn't been this worried about me since I was in kindergarten. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, because its awesome to feel like im wanted around for a change but I feel like there is some sort of catch,  like three months from now she's going to tell us she's pregnant again. It's probably just me being paranoid,


  But I want to talk a bout something else, I FINALLY met a guy last week who is actually really sweet and awkward and dorky, but like, the kind of dorky that just makes you want to make out with them. His name is Cal and I cant stop thinking about him and his awesome blue eyes that are like snow  almost.

Now if only he would remember my name.

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